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Last active October 21, 2022 17:05
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Simplified permuting A(X) and S(X) for lookup argument
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
fn permute_for_lookup(
a: &[usize],
s: &[usize],
) -> (Vec<usize>, Vec<usize>) {
assert_eq!(a.len(), s.len());
let mut a_permuted = a[..].to_vec();
let mut stitches_to_indices = BTreeMap::<usize, usize>::from([(a_permuted[0], 0)]);
for i in 1..a_permuted.len() {
if a_permuted[i] != a_permuted[i - 1] {
stitches_to_indices.insert(a_permuted[i], i);
// at start s_permuted is same as s
let mut s_permuted = s[..].to_vec();
for s_index in 0..s_permuted.len() {
if stitches_to_indices.is_empty() {
let si = s_permuted[s_index];
match stitches_to_indices.get(&si) {
Some(stitch_index) => {
// this means that si is some stitch
// if stitch_index = s_index then it's already on proper place
// else:
if stitch_index.clone() != s_index {
s_permuted[s_index] = s_permuted[stitch_index.clone()]; // put here whatever was at stitch_index
s_permuted[stitch_index.clone()] = si; // stitch was at s_index, move it to stitch_index place
None => (),
assert_eq!(true, stitches_to_indices.is_empty());
(a_permuted, s_permuted)
mod test {
use super::permute_for_lookup;
fn test_stitches() {
let mut a = vec![5, 5, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 1, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 11, 11, 11, 11, 22, 22, 33, 33, 100];
let s = [1, 2, 45, 9, 5, 21, 99, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 11, 19, 2, 3, 1, 2, 13, 22, 1, 3, 5, 100, 100, 22, 33, 6, 6, 611, 87, 37, 27, 28, 100, 33, 22, 11];
assert!(s.len() > a.len());
let dummy_s = 99;
let to_append = s.len() - a.len();
let append_vec = vec![dummy_s; to_append];
assert_eq!(a.len(), s.len());
let (a_permuted, s_permuted) = permute_for_lookup(&a, &s);
assert_eq!(a_permuted[0], s_permuted[0]);
for i in 1..a_permuted.len() {
if a_permuted[i] != a_permuted[i - 1] && a_permuted[i] != s_permuted[i] {
panic!("Something wrong")
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