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Created August 14, 2011 12:34
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Save akiradeveloper/1144842 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Siritori solver in Haskell.
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
type Elem = (Int, Int)
-- Either Monad is not defined yet in ghc of 6.x
instance Monad (Either a) where
Right a >>= f = f a
Left a >>= _ = Left a
return = Right
getEither :: Either a a -> a
getEither (Right a) = a
getEither (Left a) = a
-- Generating all the candidate array which is evaluated lazily.
allCombination = f :: [a] -> [[a]]
g = map permutations . h
f = concat . g
h = filterM (\x -> [True, False]) :: [a] -> [[a]]
-- foldM :: (a->b->m a)->a->[b]->m a
detectChain :: [Elem] -> [Elem]
detectChain = getEither . foldM f []
f [] x = Right [x]
f ((a,b):xs) (c,d)
| b == c = Right $ (c,d):(a,b):xs
| otherwise = Left $ (a,b):xs
-- returns (the max chain, and its length)
solve :: [Elem] -> [Elem]
solve xs = getEither $ foldM f [] $ ys
ys = sortBy g $ allCombination xs
g = \a b -> compare (length b) (length a)
f max input
| length max > length input = Left max
| otherwise = if length chain > length max
then Right chain
else Right max
where chain = detectChain input
main = do
content <- getContents
let elements = read content
print $ solve elements
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This code is very slow.
On my VirtualBox weak environment though, it is more than 10 seconds to solve N=10 case. Am I stupid?
I bet laziness can suppress the order for space consumption constant.

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I call for ideas to refactor this spaghetti code!
and cheap tuning advice.
Ah, Haskell programing is hyper interesting!

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