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Object Oriented Programming: Create a Basic JavaScript Object

Objects in JavaScript are used to model real-world objects, giving them properties and behavior just like their real-world counterparts. Here's an example using these concepts to create a duck object:

let duck = {
  name: "Aflac",
  numLegs: 2

Object Oriented Programming: Use Dot Notation to Access the Properties of an Object

let duck = {
  name: "Aflac",
  numLegs: 2
// This prints "Aflac" to the console

Object Oriented Programming: Create a Method on an Object

  • Objects can have a special type of property, called a method.
  • Methods are properties that are functions. This adds different behavior to an object. Here is the duck example with a method:
let duck = {
  name: "Aflac",
  numLegs: 2,
  sayName: function() {return "The name of this duck is " + + ".";}
// Returns "The name of this duck is Aflac."

Object Oriented Programming: Make Code More Reusable with the this Keyword

  • The last challenge introduced a method to the duck object. It used dot notation to access the value for the name property within the return statement:

  • sayName: function() {return "The name of this duck is " + + ".";}

  • While this is a valid way to access the object's property, there is a pitfall here. If the variable name changes, any code referencing the original name would need to be updated as well. In a short object definition, it isn't a problem, but if an object has many references to its properties there is a greater chance for error.

  • A way to avoid these issues is with the this keyword:

let duck = {
  name: "Aflac",
  numLegs: 2,
  sayName: function() {return "The name of this duck is " + + ".";}

Object Oriented Programming: Define a Constructor Function

  • Constructors are functions that create new objects. They define properties and behaviors that will belong to the new object. Think of them as a blueprint for the creation of new objects.

  • Here is an example of a constructor:

function Bird() { = "Albert";
  this.color = "blue";
  this.numLegs = 2;
  • This constructor defines a Bird object with properties name, color, and numLegs set to Albert, blue, and 2, respectively. Constructors follow a few conventions:

    • Constructors are defined with a capitalized name to distinguish them from other functions that are not constructors.
    • Constructors use the keyword this to set properties of the object they will create. Inside the constructor, this refers to the new object it will create.
    • Constructors define properties and behaviors instead of returning a value as other functions might.

Object Oriented Programming: Use a Constructor to Create Objects

  • Notice that the new operator is used when calling a constructor.
  • Just like any other object, its properties can be accessed and modified
function Bird() { = "Albert";
  this.color  = "blue";
  this.numLegs = 2;
  // "this" inside the constructor always refers to the object being created

let blueBird = new Bird();

Object Oriented Programming: Extend Constructors to Receive Arguments

It's possible to change the properties of each bird manually but that would be a lot of work:

let swan = new Bird(); = "Carlos";
swan.color = "white";

To more easily create different Bird objects, you can design your Bird constructor to accept parameters:

function Bird(name, color) { = name;
  this.color = color;
  this.numLegs = 2;
  • The constructor is more flexible. It's now possible to define the properties for each Bird at the time it is created, which is one way that JavaScript constructors are so useful.
  • They group objects together based on shared characteristics and behavior and define a blueprint that automates their creation.

Object Oriented Programming: Verify an Object's Constructor with instanceof

  • instanceof allows you to compare an object to a constructor, returning true or false based on whether or not that object was created with the constructor.
  • Here's an example:
let Bird = function(name, color) { = name;
  this.color = color;
  this.numLegs = 2;

let crow = new Bird("Alexis", "black");

crow instanceof Bird; // => true

let canary = {
  name: "Mildred",
  color: "Yellow",
  numLegs: 2

canary instanceof Bird; // => false

Object Oriented Programming: Understand Own Properties

In the following example, the Bird constructor defines two properties: name and numLegs:

function Bird(name) {  = name;
  this.numLegs = 2;

let duck = new Bird("Donald");
let canary = new Bird("Tweety");

name and numLegs are called own properties, because they are defined directly on the instance object.

The following code adds all of the own properties of duck to the array ownProps:

let ownProps = [];

for (let property in duck) {
  if(duck.hasOwnProperty(property)) {

console.log(ownProps); // prints [ "name", "numLegs" ]

Object Oriented Programming: Use Prototype Properties to Reduce Duplicate Code

  • Since numLegs will probably have the same value for all instances of Bird, you essentially have a duplicated variable numLegs inside each Bird instance.

  • This may not be an issue when there are only two instances, but imagine if there are millions of instances. That would be a lot of duplicated variables.

  • A better way is to use Bird’s prototype. Properties in the prototype are shared among ALL instances of Bird. Here's how to add numLegs to the Bird prototype:

Bird.prototype.numLegs = 2;
  • Now all instances of Bird have the numLegs property.
console.log(duck.numLegs);  // prints 2
console.log(canary.numLegs);  // prints 2
  • Since all instances automatically have the properties on the prototype, think of a prototype as a "recipe" for creating objects. Note that the prototype for duck and canary is part of the Bird constructor as Bird.prototype. Nearly every object in JavaScript has a prototype property which is part of the constructor function that created it.

Object Oriented Programming: Iterate Over All Properties

  • You have now seen two kinds of properties: own properties and prototype properties.
  • Here is how you add duck's own properties to the array ownProps and prototype properties to the array prototypeProps:
function Bird(name) { = name;  //own property

Bird.prototype.numLegs = 2; // prototype property

let duck = new Bird("Donald");
let ownProps = [];
let prototypeProps = [];

for (let property in duck) {
  if(duck.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
  } else {

console.log(ownProps); // prints ["name"]
console.log(prototypeProps); // prints ["numLegs"]

Object Oriented Programming: Understand the Constructor Property

  • There is a special constructor property located on the object instances duck and beagle that were created in the previous challenges:
let duck = new Bird();
let beagle = new Dog();

console.log(duck.constructor === Bird);  //prints true
console.log(beagle.constructor === Dog);  //prints true
  • Note that the constructor property is a reference to the constructor function that created the instance. The advantage of the constructor property is that it's possible to check for this property to find out what kind of object it is. Here's an example of how this could be used:
function joinBirdFraternity(candidate) {
  if (candidate.constructor === Bird) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;
  • Since the constructor property can be overwritten it’s generally better to use the instanceof method to check the type of an object.

Object Oriented Programming: Change the Prototype to a New Object

  • This becomes tedious after more than a few properties. = function() {
  console.log("nom nom nom");

Bird.prototype.describe = function() {
  console.log("My name is " +;
  • A more efficient way is to set the prototype to a new object that already contains the properties. This way, the properties are added all at once:
Bird.prototype = {
  numLegs: 2, 
  eat: function() {
    console.log("nom nom nom");
  describe: function() {
    console.log("My name is " +;

Object Oriented Programming: Remember to Set the Constructor Property when Changing the Prototype

  • There is one crucial side effect of manually setting the prototype to a new object. It erases the constructor property!
  • This property can be used to check which constructor function created the instance, but since the property has been overwritten, it now gives false results:
duck.constructor === Bird; // false -- Oops
duck.constructor === Object; // true, all objects inherit from Object.prototype
duck instanceof Bird; // true, still works
  • To fix this, whenever a prototype is manually set to a new object, remember to define the constructor property:
Bird.prototype = {
  constructor: Bird, // define the constructor property
  numLegs: 2,
  eat: function() {
    console.log("nom nom nom");
  describe: function() {
    console.log("My name is " +; 

Object Oriented Programming: Understand Where an Object’s Prototype Comes From

  • Just like people inherit genes from their parents, an object inherits its prototype directly from the constructor function that created it. For example, here the Bird constructor creates the duck object:
function Bird(name) { = name;

let duck = new Bird("Donald");

// returns true

Object Oriented Programming: Understand the Prototype Chain

  • All objects in JavaScript (with a few exceptions) have a prototype. Also, an object’s prototype itself is an object.
function Bird(name) { = name;

typeof Bird.prototype; // yields 'object'
  • Because a prototype is an object, a prototype can have its own prototype! In this case, the prototype of Bird.prototype is Object.prototype:
Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf(Bird.prototype); // returns true
  • How is this useful? You may recall the hasOwnProperty method from a previous challenge:
let duck = new Bird("Donald");
duck.hasOwnProperty("name"); // yields true
  • The hasOwnProperty method is defined in Object.prototype, which can be accessed by Bird.prototype, which can then be accessed by duck. This is an example of the prototype chain. In this prototype chain, Bird is the supertype for duck, while duck is the subtype. Object is a supertype for both Bird and duck. Object is a supertype for all objects in JavaScript. Therefore, any object can use the hasOwnProperty method.

Object Oriented Programming: Use Inheritance So You Don't Repeat Yourself

  • There's a principle in programming called Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY). The reason repeated code is a problem is because any change requires fixing code in multiple places. This usually means more work for programmers and more room for errors.

  • Notice in the example below that the describe method is shared by Bird and Dog:

Bird.prototype = {
  constructor: Bird,
  describe: function() {
    console.log("My name is " +;

Dog.prototype = {
  constructor: Dog,
  describe: function() {
    console.log("My name is " +;
  • The describe method is repeated in two places. The code can be edited to follow the DRY principle by creating a supertype (or parent) called Animal:
function Animal() { };

Animal.prototype = {
  constructor: Animal, 
  describe: function() {
    console.log("My name is " +;
  • Since Animal includes the describe method, you can remove it from Bird and Dog:
Bird.prototype = {
  constructor: Bird

Dog.prototype = {
  constructor: Dog

Object Oriented Programming: Inherit Behaviors from a Supertype

  • You already know one way to create an instance of Animal using the new operator:
let animal = new Animal();
  • There are some disadvantages when using this syntax for inheritance, which are too complex for the scope of this challenge. Instead, here's an alternative approach without those disadvantages:
let animal = Object.create(Animal.prototype);
  • Object.create(obj) creates a new object, and sets obj as the new object's prototype. Recall that the prototype is like the "recipe" for creating an object. By setting the prototype of animal to be Animal's prototype, you are effectively giving the animal instance the same "recipe" as any other instance of Animal.; // prints "nom nom nom"
animal instanceof Animal; // => true

Object Oriented Programming: Set the Child's Prototype to an Instance of the Parent

  • This challenge covers the next step: set the prototype of the subtype (or child)—in this case, Bird—to be an instance of Animal.
  • Remember that the prototype is like the "recipe" for creating an object. In a way, the recipe for Bird now includes all the key "ingredients" from Animal.
Bird.prototype = Object.create(Animal.prototype);
let duck = new Bird("Donald");; // prints "nom nom nom"

Object Oriented Programming: Reset an Inherited Constructor Property

  • When an object inherits its prototype from another object, it also inherits the supertype's constructor property.
  • Here's an example:
function Bird() { }
Bird.prototype = Object.create(Animal.prototype);
let duck = new Bird();
duck.constructor // function Animal(){...}
  • But duck and all instances of Bird should show that they were constructed by Bird and not Animal. To do so, you can manually set Bird's constructor property to the Bird object:
Bird.prototype.constructor = Bird;
duck.constructor // function Bird(){...}

Object Oriented Programming: Add Methods After Inheritance

  • A constructor function that inherits its prototype object from a supertype constructor function can still have its own methods in addition to inherited methods.
  • For example, Bird is a constructor that inherits its prototype from Animal:
function Animal() { } = function() {
  console.log("nom nom nom");
function Bird() { }
Bird.prototype = Object.create(Animal.prototype);
Bird.prototype.constructor = Bird;
  • In addition to what is inherited from Animal, you want to add behavior that is unique to Bird objects. Here, Bird will get a fly() function. Functions are added to Bird's prototype the same way as any constructor function: = function() {
  console.log("I'm flying!");

let duck = new Bird();; // prints "nom nom nom"; // prints "I'm flying!"

Object Oriented Programming: Override Inherited Methods

  • In previous lessons, you learned that an object can inherit its behavior (methods) from another object by referencing its prototype object:
ChildObject.prototype = Object.create(ParentObject.prototype);
  • Then the ChildObject received its own methods by chaining them onto its prototype:
ChildObject.prototype.methodName = function() {...};
  • It's possible to override an inherited method. It's done the same way - by adding a method to ChildObject.prototype using the same method name as the one to override. Here's an example of Bird overriding the eat() method inherited from Animal:
function Animal() { } = function() {
  return "nom nom nom";
function Bird() { }

// Inherit all methods from Animal
Bird.prototype = Object.create(Animal.prototype);

// overrides = function() {
  return "peck peck peck";
  • If you have an instance let duck = new Bird(); and you call, this is how JavaScript looks for the method on duck’s prototype chain:

    1. duck => Is eat() defined here? No.
    2. Bird => Is eat() defined here? => Yes. Execute it and stop searching.
    3. Animal => eat() is also defined, but JavaScript stopped searching before reaching this level.
    4. Object => JavaScript stopped searching before reaching this level.

Object Oriented Programming: Use a Mixin to Add Common Behavior Between Unrelated Objects

  • As you have seen, behavior is shared through inheritance. However, there are cases when inheritance is not the best solution. Inheritance does not work well for unrelated objects like Bird and Airplane. They can both fly, but a Bird is not a type of Airplane and vice versa.

  • For unrelated objects, it's better to use mixins. A mixin allows other objects to use a collection of functions.

  • The flyMixin takes any object and gives it the fly method.

  • Note how the mixin allows for the same fly method to be reused by unrelated objects bird and plane.

let flyMixin = function(obj) { = function() {
    console.log("Flying, wooosh!");
let bird = {
  name: "Donald",
  numLegs: 2

let plane = {
  model: "777",
  numPassengers: 524

flyMixin(plane);; // prints "Flying, wooosh!"; // prints "Flying, wooosh!"

Object Oriented Programming: Use Closure to Protect Properties Within an Object from Being Modified Externally

  • In the previous challenge, bird had a public property name. It is considered public because it can be accessed and changed outside of bird's definition. = "Duffy";
  • Therefore, any part of your code can easily change the name of bird to any value. Think about things like passwords and bank accounts being easily changeable by any part of your codebase. That could cause a lot of issues.
  • The simplest way to make this public property private is by creating a variable within the constructor function. This changes the scope of that variable to be within the constructor function versus available globally. This way, the variable can only be accessed and changed by methods also within the constructor function.
function Bird() {
  let hatchedEgg = 10; // private variable

  /* publicly available method that a bird object can use */
  this.getHatchedEggCount = function() { 
    return hatchedEgg;
let ducky = new Bird();
ducky.getHatchedEggCount(); // returns 10
  • Here getHatchedEggCount is a privileged method, because it has access to the private variable hatchedEgg. This is possible because hatchedEgg is declared in the same context as getHatchedEggCount. In JavaScript, a function always has access to the context in which it was created. This is called closure.

Object Oriented Programming: Understand the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)

  • A common pattern in JavaScript is to execute a function as soon as it is declared:
  • Note that the function has no name and is not stored in a variable. The two parentheses () at the end of the function expression cause it to be immediately executed or invoked. This pattern is known as an immediately invoked function expression or IIFE.
(function () {
  console.log("Chirp, chirp!");
})(); // this is an anonymous function expression that executes right away
// Outputs "Chirp, chirp!" immediately

Object Oriented Programming: Use an IIFE to Create a Module

  • An immediately invoked function expression (IIFE) is often used to group related functionality into a single object or module. For example, an earlier challenge defined two mixins:
function glideMixin(obj) {
  obj.glide = function() {
    console.log("Gliding on the water");
function flyMixin(obj) { = function() {
    console.log("Flying, wooosh!");
  • We can group these mixins into a module as follows:
let motionModule = (function () {
  return {
    glideMixin: function(obj) {
      obj.glide = function() {
        console.log("Gliding on the water");
    flyMixin: function(obj) { = function() {
        console.log("Flying, wooosh!");
})(); // The two parentheses cause the function to be immediately invoked
  • Note that you have an immediately invoked function expression (IIFE) that returns an object motionModule. This returned object contains all of the mixin behaviors as properties of the object. The advantage of the module pattern is that all of the motion behaviors can be packaged into a single object that can then be used by other parts of your code. Here is an example using it:
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