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Last active May 21, 2020 19:11
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The reseasons why I want to learn Markdown syntax :


1. I can edit whole contents in words and codes. No images are copied in a markdown file, they are indirectly linked to URLs of the source images. It's a clear pattern.
2. If you are often using Github, you may notice that the editing method of is Markdown syntax.
3. As an engineer, I would like to indulge in the coding environment as possible, even when I compose an article. Markdown is a way to achieve that.
4. I think it's not to difficult to get this skill if you have some background in coding. Grasp some keynote syntaxes and the most used ones. Hence, you may find it's not scaring for you.

First of all, the idea of writing a blog comes up to me, I consider which platform should I chose, how I write articles efficiently and can be put on several blog website. In the end, I pick blogger and Medium, the blogger is the place where I compose an article initially, and I will put the same contents in Medium via importing markdown file edited on online Markdown editor.

Let's get started.

To be honest, I didn't try every online editor on the Internet. I just select the one I think it is neat for me. I use the opensource project on Github. The author is pandao, and the project name is

You can visit this project on this web page

Nicely, there are most used Markdown syntaxes display on the left side. Furthermore, the top navigation has widgets to help you edit markdown file quickly if you are not familiar with the syntax.

Font styles and size

The sizes of fonts

  • Syntax : #

  • use # to adjust the size of fonts, the more the number of # get, the smaller the size is.


  • Sytanx: <s>text</s> or ~~text~~ text


  • Syntax: *text* or _text_ text


  • Syntax: **Text** or __Text__ Text


  • Syntax : <sup>text</sup>
  • eg. O<sup>2</sup> O2


  • Syntax: <sub>text</sub> text
  • eg. X2

Lists styles

Table of Contents

  • It will organize a table menu that you harness "#" in your article hierarchically.
  • Syntax :
   [TOCM] <= this mean table of contents menu
   [TOC] <= table of contents

Unordered list

  • Syntax : - or * or +
  • eg.
    - list 1
    * list 2
    + list 3
- list 1
* list 2
+ list 3

Unordered list (plus sign and nested)

  • eg. + Item A + Item B + Item B 1 + Item B 2 + Item B 3
  • Item A
  • Item B
    • Item B 1
    • Item B 2
    • Item B 3

Task list

  • eg. - [x] task list 1 - [ ] task list 1-1

  • task list 1

    • task list 1-1

Link URLs and Images

Link URLs

  • It's very similar to the syntax of link images. The difference is the question mark.
  • Syntax : [the word you'd like to show](url)
  • eg.[Heading link]( "Heading link") Heading link

Link images

  • Syntax : ![](url)
  • eg. ![](

Line styles


  • Syntax : ============= or -------------

Horizontal line

  • Syntax: ---

About codes

inline code

  • Syntax: tow ` compass codes
  • eg. $ pip install flask

Code Blocks (Preformatted text)

  • Syntax: indented four spaces or

  • eg.

        echo "Hello world!";

Specific languages

  • Syntax : language name
  • eg. javascript function test(){ console.log("Hello world!"); }

Abbreviation (link HTML abbr tag)

  • Syntax: text
  • eg. The HTML


  • Syntax: > text
  • Note: must have one line above and below for each


  • eg. Note: ":" mean the aligned direction

(1) Table 1

First column  | Second column

------------- | -------------

Content Cell  | Content Cell

Content Cell  | Content Cell 

(2) Table 2

| First column| Second column|

| ------------- | ------------- |

| Content Cell  | Content Cell  |

| Content Cell  | Content Cell  |

(3) Table 3

| Item      | Value |

| --------- | -----:|

| Computer  | $1600 |

| Phone     |   $12 |

| Pipe      |    $1 |

(4) Table 4

| Left-Aligned  | Center Aligned  | Right Aligned |

| :------------ |:---------------:| -----:|

| col 3 is      | some wordy text | $1600 |

| col 2 is      | centered        |   $12 |

| zebra stripes | are neat        |    $1 |

The above are the most used in Markdown when you edit it, you can take or Github for references.

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