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Created January 14, 2014 20:59
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class Figure(val x: Int, val y: Int, val figureType: Int)
class ChessBoard(val m: Int, val n: Int){
val board = Array.ofDim[Int](m,n)
def putFigure(f: Figure){
f.figureType match {
case -2 => putKing(f.x,f.y)
case -4 => putQueen(f.x,f.y)
case -8 => putBishop(f.x,f.y)
case -16 => putRook(f.x,f.y)
case -82 => putKnight(f.x,f.y)
def putKing(x: Int, y: Int){ //finished
board(x)(y) = -2
if(isOnBoard(x-1, y-1)){
board(x-1)(y-1) = 1
board(x-1)(y) = 1
board(x)(y-1) = 1
} else {
if(isOnBoard(x-1, y)) board(x-1)(y) = 1
if(isOnBoard(x, y-1)) board(x)(y-1) = 1
if(isOnBoard(x+1, y+1)){
board(x+1)(y+1) = 1
board(x+1)(y) = 1
board(x)(y+1) = 1
} else {
if(isOnBoard(x+1, y)) board(x+1)(y) = 1
if(isOnBoard(x, y+1)) board(x)(y+1) = 1
if(isOnBoard(x-1, y+1)) board(x-1)(y+1) = 1
if(isOnBoard(x+1, y-1)) board(x+1)(y-1) = 1
def putQueen(x: Int, y: Int){
board(x)(y) = -4
def putBishop(x: Int, y: Int){
board(x)(y) = -8
def putRook(x: Int, y: Int){
board(x)(y) = -16
def putKnight(x: Int, y: Int){
board(x)(y) = -32
if(isOnBoard(x+2, y-1)) board(x+2)(y-1) = 1
if(isOnBoard(x-2, y-1)) board(x-2)(y-1) = 1
if(isOnBoard(x+2, y+1)) board(x+2)(y+1) = 1
if(isOnBoard(x-2, y+1)) board(x-2)(y+1) = 1
if(isOnBoard(x+1, y-2)) board(x+1)(y-2) = 1
if(isOnBoard(x-1, y-2)) board(x-1)(y-2) = 1
if(isOnBoard(x+1, y+2)) board(x+1)(y+2) = 1
if(isOnBoard(x-1, y+2)) board(x-1)(y+2) = 1
def fillDiagonals(x: Int, y: Int){ // -> DONE
i <- 0 to Math.min(m-x,n-y)-1
if board(x+i)(y+i) == 0 //TODO: remove in future, debug only
} board(x+i)(y+i) = 1
i <- Math.min(x,y) to 0 by -1
if board(x-i)(y-i) == 0 //TODO: remove in future, debug only
} board(x-i)(y-i) = 1
i <- 0 to Math.min(x,n-y-1)
if board(x-i)(y+i) == 0 //TODO: remove in future, debug only
} board(x-i)(y+i) = 1
i <- Math.min(m-x-1,y) to 0 by -1
if board(x+i)(y-i) == 0 //TODO: remove in future, debug only
} board(x+i)(y-i) = 1
def fillHorizontalVertical(x: Int, y: Int){ //DONE
i <- 0 to m-1
if board(i)(y) == 0
} board(i)(y) = 1
i <- 0 to n-1
if board(x)(i) == 0
} board(x)(i) = 1
def isOnBoard(x: Int, y: Int): Boolean = (x >= 0) && (x < m) && (y >= 0) && (y < n)
def printBoard(){
for(raw <- board){
for(column <-raw){
print(column match {
case -2 => "K "
case -4 => "Q "
case -8 => "B "
case -16 => "R "
case -32 => "G "
case x: Int => x+" "
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