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Created March 8, 2024 01:18
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"landingPage": "/wp-admin/?welcome=0",
"preferredVersions": {
"php": "8.0",
"wp": "latest"
"steps": [
"step": "login",
"username": "admin",
"password": "password"
"step": "installPlugin",
"pluginZipFile": {
"resource": "url",
"url": ""
"step": "runPHP",
"code": "<?php require_once 'wordpress/wp-load.php'; wp_insert_post(array('post_title' => 'Test Tour', 'post_type' => 'tour', 'post_content' => '[' . PHP_EOL . ' {' . PHP_EOL . ' \"color\": \"#0000ff\",' . PHP_EOL . ' \"title\": \"Test Tour\",' . PHP_EOL . ' \"tour_restrict_url\": \"\"' . PHP_EOL . ' },' . PHP_EOL . ' {' . PHP_EOL . ' \"popover\": {' . PHP_EOL . ' \"title\": \"Test Tour\",' . PHP_EOL . ' \"description\": \"You can write a draft here\"' . PHP_EOL . ' },' . PHP_EOL . ' \"element\": \"div#dashboard_quick_press\"' . PHP_EOL . ' },' . PHP_EOL . ' {' . PHP_EOL . ' \"popover\": {' . PHP_EOL . ' \"title\": \"Test Tour\",' . PHP_EOL . ' \"description\": \"These are nearby events!\"' . PHP_EOL . ' },' . PHP_EOL . ' \"element\": \"div#dashboard_primary\"' . PHP_EOL . ' },' . PHP_EOL . ' {' . PHP_EOL . ' \"element\": \"div#dashboard_site_health\",' . PHP_EOL . ' \"popover\": {' . PHP_EOL . ' \"title\": \"Test Tour\",' . PHP_EOL . ' \"description\": \"Site Health\"' . PHP_EOL . ' }' . PHP_EOL . ' }' . PHP_EOL . ']', 'post_status' => 'publish')); ?>"
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