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Last active August 9, 2023 14:55
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Save akiross/17e722c5bea92bd2c310324eac643df6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Approximate Pi using usual Monte-Carlo simulation, in CUDA (with bonus Python snippet!).
// Approximation of Pi using a simple, and not optimized, CUDA program
// Copyleft Alessandro Re
// GCC 6.x not supported by CUDA 8, I used compat version
// nvcc -std=c++11 -ccbin=gcc5 -c
// g++5 pigreco.o -lcudart -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -o pigreco
// This code is basically equivalent to the following Python code:
// def pigreco(NUM):
// from random import random as rand
// def sqrad():
// x, y = rand(), rand()
// return x*x + y*y
// return 4 * sum(1 - int(test()) for _ in range(NUM)) / NUM
// Python version takes, on this machine, 3.5 seconds to compute 10M tests
// CUDA version takes, on this machine, 1.6 seconds to compute 20.48G tests
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <curand_kernel.h>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
typedef unsigned long long Count;
typedef std::numeric_limits<double> DblLim;
const Count WARP_SIZE = 32; // Warp size
const Count NBLOCKS = 640; // Number of total cuda cores on my GPU
const Count ITERATIONS = 1000000; // Number of points to generate (each thread)
// This kernel is
__global__ void picount(Count *totals) {
// Define some shared memory: all threads in this block
__shared__ Count counter[WARP_SIZE];
// Unique ID of the thread
int tid = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
// Initialize RNG
curandState_t rng;
curand_init(clock64(), tid, 0, &rng);
// Initialize the counter
counter[threadIdx.x] = 0;
// Computation loop
for (int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) {
float x = curand_uniform(&rng); // Random x position in [0,1]
float y = curand_uniform(&rng); // Random y position in [0,1]
counter[threadIdx.x] += 1 - int(x * x + y * y); // Hit test
// The first thread in *every block* should sum the results
if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
// Reset count for this block
totals[blockIdx.x] = 0;
// Accumulate results
for (int i = 0; i < WARP_SIZE; i++) {
totals[blockIdx.x] += counter[i];
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int numDev;
if (numDev < 1) {
cout << "CUDA device missing! Do you need to use optirun?\n";
return 1;
cout << "Starting simulation with " << NBLOCKS << " blocks, " << WARP_SIZE << " threads, and " << ITERATIONS << " iterations\n";
// Allocate host and device memory to store the counters
Count *hOut, *dOut;
hOut = new Count[NBLOCKS]; // Host memory
cudaMalloc(&dOut, sizeof(Count) * NBLOCKS); // Device memory
// Launch kernel
picount<<<NBLOCKS, WARP_SIZE>>>(dOut);
// Copy back memory used on device and free
cudaMemcpy(hOut, dOut, sizeof(Count) * NBLOCKS, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
// Compute total hits
Count total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NBLOCKS; i++) {
total += hOut[i];
cout << "Approximated PI using " << tests << " random tests\n";
// Set maximum precision for decimal printing
cout << "PI ~= " << 4.0 * (double)total/(double)tests << endl;
return 0;
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Nice! And thanks for sharing this! I'm learning cuda and this is helpful!

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This was very helpful. Thank you. There is a slight bug in your code, ideally you would sync before the first block attempts to add everything up.

I will put down the equivalent Python code:

# %%
from numba import cuda, types
from numba.cuda.random import create_xoroshiro128p_states, xoroshiro128p_uniform_float32
import numpy as np

# %%
def sim_pi_cuda(out, rng_state, iterations):
    grid_idx = cuda.grid(1)
    warp_size = 32

    counts = cuda.shared.array(warp_size, dtype=types.uint64)

    counts[cuda.threadIdx.x] = 0
    for _ in range(iterations):
        x = xoroshiro128p_uniform_float32(rng_state, grid_idx)
        y = xoroshiro128p_uniform_float32(rng_state, grid_idx)
        counts[cuda.threadIdx.x] += 1 - int(x*x + y*y)

    if cuda.threadIdx.x == 0:
        out[cuda.blockIdx.x] = 0

        for i in range(warp_size):
            out[cuda.blockIdx.x] += counts[i]

# %%
def sim_pi(iterations):
    blocks = 10496
    warp_size = 32

    out = cuda.device_array(blocks, dtype=np.uint64)

    seed = np.random.randint(0, 2**64, dtype=np.uint64)
    rng_state = create_xoroshiro128p_states(warp_size * blocks, seed=seed)

    sim_pi_cuda[blocks, warp_size](out, rng_state, iterations)
    data = out.copy_to_host()
    return (4.0 * data.sum()) / (iterations*blocks*warp_size)

# %%
N = 1_000_000_00

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