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Created July 7, 2010 04:16
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// GlyphDrawing.h
// Created by Masashi Ono on 07/07/10.
// Original file created by Jens Egeblad on 11/16/09.
// Purpose: Reimplement CGFontGetGlyphsForUnichars(CGFontRef, unichar[], CGGlyph[], size_t)
// The function that does that:
// size_t CMFontGetGlyphsForUnichars(CGFontRef cgFont, const UniChar buffer[], CGGlyph glyphs[], size_t numGlyphs)
// (returns number of glyps put in glyphs)
// Why?: We are not allowed to use it on the iPhone. Apple rejects apps with it.
// Why do we need it?:
// 1. UIString drawing is not thread safe
// 2. PDF drawing doesn't embeded fonts, and is therefore impossible with UIString drawing
// Another work-around for UIString drawing: Make sure it always occurs in main-thread with e.g. performSelector
// How does it work?:
// Fetch cmap (character map) table of font
// Find the right segment (We only look for platform 0 and 3 and format 4 and 12)
// Pick a platform+format for all subsequent lookups.
// Cache selection
// For each unichar look for character in selected cmap segment (either format 4 or 12)
// How well does it work?:
// This files contains testing code. All 65536 unichars are tested with our function
// and Apples. Testing generally gives perfect results for all
// current fonts except:
// + AppleGothic where there are about 300 character mismatches from char 55424 and up
// + STHeitiTC-Light and STHeitiTC-Medium which has one character mismatch
// Why those anomalies?: I don't know...
// Possible improvements:
// + cache better:
// We cache the fonttables and never release them. Consider release strateies
/// + Search faster:
// It may be possible to do binary searching in the tables if they are sorted
// which I don't know if they are
// + Add more formats: Only format 4 and 12 supported. That handles all present iPhone fonts.
// + Fix current minor issues.
// This code was mainly based on:
// Other reading:
// Apple document on truetype format:
// Another code:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
UIKIT_EXTERN size_t CMFontGetGlyphsForUnichars(CGFontRef cgFont, const UniChar buffer[], CGGlyph glyphs[], size_t numGlyphs);
// Usage: just import "GlyphDrawing.h" in instead of <Foundation/Foundation.h>
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