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parrots / CachingInterfaceController.h
Created April 14, 2015 02:32
@import WatchKit;
@interface CachingInterfaceController : WKInterfaceController
- (void)updateLabel:(WKInterfaceLabel *)label withString:(NSString *)string;
- (void)updateLabel:(WKInterfaceLabel *)label asHidden:(BOOL)hidden;
- (void)updateImage:(WKInterfaceImage *)image withImageNamed:(NSString *)imageName;
- (void)updateImage:(WKInterfaceImage *)image withBaseNameForAnimation:(NSString *)baseName withRange:(NSRange)range duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration repeatCount:(NSInteger)repeatCount;
- (NSString *)currentImageNameForImage:(WKInterfaceImage *)image;
GSEventType eventType = GSEventGetType((GSEventRef)event);
GSEventFlags modFlag = GSEventGetModifierFlags((GSEventRef)event);
UniChar keyCode = GSEventGetKeyCode((GSEventRef)event);
NSLog(@"----------event: %d", eventType);
NSLog(@"----------modifier: %d", modFlag);
NSLog(@"----------keycode: %d", keyCode);
uint fCTRL = (modFlag & 1048576) ? YES : NO;
uint fSHIFT = (modFlag & 131072) ? YES : NO;
uint fALT = (modFlag & 524288) ? YES : NO;
uint fCMD = (modFlag & 65536) ? YES : NO;
[10/02/17 15:39:42] Toru Furukawa (tof): show は、デフォルトで見えてないものを見せるような動作じゃないかな。
[10/02/17 15:39:59] Toru Furukawa (tof): コートの前をはだけて、
[10/02/17 15:40:04] Toru Furukawa (tof): ちんこを show