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Created December 14, 2015 04:39
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TripleByte question
(ns triplebyte.core)
(defn split-string
([s position] (split-string s (count s) position))
([s length position]
[(subs s 0 position)
(subs s position length)]))
(defn twigs
(let [length (count branch)]
(partial split-string branch length)
(range 1 (inc length)))))
(defn bloom
(fn [[stem leaf]]
(if (empty? leaf)
[stem (bloom leaf)]))
(twigs branch)))
(defn plot
([tree] (plot [] [] tree))
([forest path tree]
(if tree
(fn [forest [turn group]]
(plot forest (conj path turn) group))
(conj forest path))))
(def op-name
{* "*"
/ "/"
+ "+"
- "-"})
(defn make-context
[display value]
{:display display :value value})
(defn init-context
(str head)
(defn compute-context
[word context op]
(str "(" (get op-name op) " " (:display context) " " word ")")
(op (:value context) word)))
(defn compute
[word context]
(partial compute-context word context)
[* / + -]))
(defn check
[goal context]
(if (= goal (:value context))
(defn operate
([goal sentence]
(let [head (bigint (first sentence))
tail (rest sentence)
context (init-context head)]
(if (empty? tail)
(check goal context)
(operate goal tail context))))
([goal sentence context]
(let [head (bigint (first sentence))
tail (rest sentence)
cur (compute head context)]
(if (empty? tail)
(mapcat (partial check goal) cur)
(mapcat (partial operate goal tail) cur)))))
(defn match
[input goal]
(let [input (str input)
goal (bigint goal)
sentences (-> input bloom plot)
winners (mapcat (partial operate goal) sentences)]
(mapv :display winners)))
;; (def pi "314159265358")
;; (def e 27182)
;; #=> (clojure.pprint/pprint (match pi e))
;; ["(+ (* (/ (* (- (* (- (* (* 3 1) 4) 1) 59) 2) 6) 5) 35) 8)"
;; "(+ (* (/ (* (- (* (- (* (/ 3 1) 4) 1) 59) 2) 6) 5) 35) 8)"
;; "(- (* (+ (* (- (* (+ (* 3 1) 4) 159) 26) 5) 3) 5) 8)"
;; "(- (* (+ (* (- (* (+ (/ 3 1) 4) 159) 26) 5) 3) 5) 8)"
;; "(- (* (+ (* (- (+ 3 1) 41) 5) 9265) 3) 58)"
;; "(+ (+ (+ (* (* 3 14) 15) 9) 26535) 8)"
;; "(- (- (* (+ (* (+ (+ 3 1415) 92) 6) 5) 3) 5) 8)"
;; "(- (* (+ (* (+ (* (+ (- (/ 31 4) 1) 5) 92) 6) 5) 3) 5) 8)"
;; "(- (* (- (+ (* (+ (* 314 1) 592) 6) 5) 3) 5) 8)"
;; "(- (* (- (+ (* (+ (/ 314 1) 592) 6) 5) 3) 5) 8)"
;; "(- (* (+ (+ (* (+ (- 314 1) 592) 6) 5) 3) 5) 8)"]
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