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Created October 29, 2012 06:27
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Porting fallintothis's quasiquote implementation
map (fn((input expected)) (test "" :valueof qq_expand.input :should be expected))
pair:list 1 ''1 # force paren
'(list x)
'(,x ,y)
'(list x y)
'(,x ,y z)
'(cons x (cons y '(z)))
'(,x y ,z)
'(list x 'y z)
'(x ,x)
'(list 'x x)
'(x ,x ,@x foo ,(cadr x) bar ,(cdr x) baz ,@(cdr x) ,@x)
'(cons 'x (cons x (append x (cons 'foo (cons (cadr x) (cons 'bar (cons (cdr x) (cons 'baz (append (cdr x) x)))))))))
'(,x ... ,x)
'(cons x x)
'(list ,x)
'(list ,,x)
'(list 'list ,x)
'(foo `(bar ,@',(map (fn(sym) `(baz ',sym ,sym)) lst)))
'(list 'foo `'(bar ,(map (fn(sym) `(baz ',sym ,sym)) lst)))
'(list ,@x)
'(cons 'list x)
'`(list ,@x)
# Quasiquote (ported from an Arc port of GNU clisp 2.47's backquote.lisp).
# Background:
# $ git clone
# $ cd wart
# download 080qq.wart and 080qq.test
# $ ./wart test
# If that doesn't work you'll need to recreate the state as of today:
# $ git checkout 82cf603b82
# $ ./wart test
mac qq(expr)
(qq_expand expr)
# Recursive Expansion Engine
# The behaviour is more-or-less dictated by the Common Lisp HyperSpec's general
# description of backquote:
# `atom/nil --> 'atom/nil
# `,expr --> expr
# `,@expr --> error
# ``expr --> `expr-expanded
# `list-expr --> expand each element & handle dotted tails:
# `(x1 x2 ... xn) --> (append y1 y2 ... yn)
# `(x1 x2 ... . xn) --> (append y1 y2 ... 'xn)
# `(x1 x2 ... . ,xn) --> (append y1 y2 ... xn)
# `(x1 x2 ... . ,@xn) --> error
# where each yi is the output of (qq-transform xi).
# [NOTE] Mind that the above uses traditional CL syntax of "."s for dotted
# tails; the "..."s represent 0 or more expressions.
def qq_expand(expr)
(qq_appends qq_expand_list.expr)
def qq_expand(expr) :case atom?.expr
(cons quote expr)
def qq_expand(expr) :case backquoted?.expr
(cons backquote (qq_expand cdr.expr))
def qq_expand(expr) :case unquote_spliced?.expr
ern "The syntax `,@" cdr.expr " is invalid"
def qq_expand(expr) :case unquoted?.expr
# Produce a list of forms suitable for append.
# Note: if we see 'unq or 'unqs in the middle of a list, we
# assume it's from dotting, since (a ... (unq b)) == (a unq b). This
# is a "problem" if the user does something like `(a unq b c d), which we
# interpret as `(a ... ,b).
def qq_expand_list(expr)
(cons (qq_transform car.expr) (qq_expand_list cdr.expr))
def qq_expand_list(expr) :case unquote_spliced?.expr
ern "The syntax `([exprs] ... ,@" cdr.expr ") is invalid"
def qq_expand_list(expr) :case unquoted?.expr
(list cdr.expr)
def qq_expand_list(expr) :case atom?.expr
(list:cons quote expr)
def qq_expand_list(expr) :case nil?.expr
# Do the transformations for elements in qq_expand_list that aren't the dotted
# tail. Also, handle nested quasiquotes.
def qq_transform(expr)
(qq_list qq_expand.expr)
def qq_transform(expr) :case backquoted?.expr
(qq_list (cons backquote (qq_expand cdr.expr)))
def qq_transform(expr) :case unquote_spliced?.expr
def qq_transform(expr) :case unquoted?.expr
(qq_list cdr.expr)
def qq_list(expr)
(qq_cons expr nil)
def qq_cons(expr1 expr2)
# assume expr2 is non-splicing
let operator (if splicing?.expr1 'dotted_list 'cons)
(list operator expr1 expr2)
def qq_appends(exprs)
(splicing_to_non:rreduce qq_append exprs)
def qq_append(expr1 expr2)
(list 'append expr1 expr2)
# Expansion Optimizer
# This is mainly woven through qq_cons and qq_append. It can run in a
# non-optimized mode (where lists are always consed at run-time), or
# optimizations can be done that reduce run-time consing / simplify the
# macroexpansion. For example,
# `(,(foo) ,(bar))
# non-optimized --> (append (cons (foo) nil) (cons (bar) nil))
# optimized --> (list (foo) (bar))
# Optimization is enabled by default, but can be turned off for debugging.
<- Optimize_cons 1 Optimize_append 1
def toggle_optimize()
zap not Optimize_cons
zap not Optimize_append
# Test whether the given expr may yield multiple list elements.
# Note: not only does ,@x splice, but so does ,,@x (unlike in vanilla Arc)
def qq_cons(expr1 expr2) :case (and Optimize_cons quoted_non_splice?.expr1
(cons quote (list cdr.expr1 cdr.expr2))
def qq_cons(expr1 expr2) :case (and Optimize_cons (carif.expr2 = 'list))
(dotted_list 'list expr1 cdr.expr2)
def qq_cons(expr1 expr2) :case (and Optimize_cons atom?.expr2)
let operator (if splicing?.expr1 'dotted_list 'cons)
(list operator expr1 expr2)
def qq_cons(expr1 expr2) :case (and Optimize_cons no.expr2)
(list 'list expr1)
def qq_cons(expr1 expr2) :case (and Optimize_cons quoted?.expr1
(cons quote (list eval.expr1))
def qq_append(expr1 expr2) :case (and Optimize_append (carif.expr2 = 'append))
(dotted_list 'append expr1 cdr.expr2)
def qq_append(expr1 expr2) :case (and Optimize_append quoted_non_splice?.expr1
(~unquoted? cdr.expr1))
(rreduce (fn (x xs) (qq_cons (cons quote x) xs))
(join cdr.expr1 list:splicing_to_non.expr2))
def qq_append(expr1 expr2) :case (and Optimize_append (carif.expr1 = 'list))
(qq_cons cadr.expr1 expr2)
(cons 'dotted_list (append cdr.expr1 list.expr2)))
def qq_append(expr1 expr2) :case (and Optimize_append no.expr2)
def qq_append(expr1 expr2) :case (and Optimize_append no.expr1)
def splicing?(expr)
(or unquote_spliced?.expr
(and unquoted?.expr
(splicing? cdr.expr)))
def splicing_to_non(expr)
if splicing?.expr
list 'append expr
def quoted_non_splice?(expr)
(and quoted?.expr
(~splicing? cdr.expr))
# Like join, except it can create dotted lists if the last arg is an atom
def append args
(let a car.args
(if no.a
(append @cdr.args)
(cons car.a (append cdr.a @cdr.args)))))
# Like list, except that the last cons of the constructed list is dotted
def dotted_list xs
if ~cdr.xs
(rreduce cons xs)
def proper?(xs)
(and list?.xs ~dotted?.xs)
# Primitives missing from wart.
def rreduce(f xs)
if cddr.xs
(f car.xs (rreduce f cdr.xs))
(f @xs)
# not considering user-defined (object type ...)
alias atom? ~cons?
def dotted?(x)
(aand list?.x
(or atom?.it
alias carif cons?&car
# manipulating quote/unquote/splice
# You can't just say, "quote <- '" because ' by itself is not a legal s-expression.
<- quote (car ''1)
def quote?(_) (_ = quote)
alias quoted? quote?:carif
<- backquote (car '`(1))
def backquote?(_) (_ = backquote)
alias backquoted? backquote?:carif
<- unquote (car:cadr '`(,1))
def unquote?(_) (_ = unquote)
alias unquoted? unquote?:carif
<- unquote_splice (car:cadr '`(,@1))
def unquote_splice?(_) (_ = unquote_splice)
alias unquote_spliced? unquote_splice?:carif
<- splice (car '@1)
def splice?(_) (_ = splice)
alias spliced? splice?:carif
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