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Created March 5, 2020 05:30
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var ZCrypt = ZCrypt || {};
ZCrypt.ADD = 0;
ZCrypt.SUB = 1;
ZCrypt.XOR = 2;
ZCrypt.NOT = 3;
ZCrypt.SHIFT = 4;
ZCrypt.ADD_MORPH = 5;
ZCrypt.SUB_MORPH = 6;
ZCrypt.XOR_MORPH = 7;
ZCrypt.NEG = 8;
ZCrypt.int_rand = function(min, max)
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
ZCrypt.make_add = function()
return [[ZCrypt.ADD, ZCrypt.do_add], ZCrypt.int_rand(1, 0xff)];
ZCrypt.make_sub = function()
return [[ZCrypt.SUB, ZCrypt.do_sub], ZCrypt.int_rand(1, 0xff)];
ZCrypt.make_xor = function()
return [[ZCrypt.XOR, ZCrypt.do_xor], ZCrypt.int_rand(1, 0xff)];
ZCrypt.make_not = function()
return [[ZCrypt.NOT, ZCrypt.do_not]];
ZCrypt.make_neg = function()
return [[ZCrypt.NEG, ZCrypt.do_neg]];
ZCrypt.make_shift = function()
var bits1 = ZCrypt.int_rand(1, 6);
if (bits1 == 4)
bits1 = 7;
var bits2 = 8 - bits1;
return [[ZCrypt.SHIFT, ZCrypt.do_shift], [bits1, bits2]];
ZCrypt.make_add_morph = function()
return [[ZCrypt.ADD_MORPH, ZCrypt.do_add_morph]];
ZCrypt.make_sub_morph = function()
return [[ZCrypt.SUB_MORPH, ZCrypt.do_sub_morph]];
ZCrypt.make_xor_morph = function()
return [[ZCrypt.XOR_MORPH, ZCrypt.do_xor_morph]];
ZCrypt.do_add = function(c, arg)
return (c + arg) & 0xff;
ZCrypt.do_sub = function(c, arg)
return (c - arg) & 0xff;
ZCrypt.do_xor = function(c, arg)
return (c ^ arg) & 0xff;
ZCrypt.do_not = function(c)
return (~c) & 0xff;
ZCrypt.do_neg = function(c)
return (-c) & 0xff;
ZCrypt.do_shift = function(c, args)
return ((c >> args[0]) & 0xff) | ((c << args[1]) & 0xff);
ZCrypt.do_add_morph = function(c, args, morph)
return ZCrypt.do_add(c, morph);
ZCrypt.do_sub_morph = function(c, args, morph)
return ZCrypt.do_sub(c, morph);
ZCrypt.do_xor_morph = function(c, args, morph)
return ZCrypt.do_xor(c, morph);
ZCrypt.remove_by_value = function(array, value)
var ret = [];
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i)
if (array[i] != value)
return ret;
ZCrypt.remove_all_by_value = function(array, removes)
var ret = array.slice();
for (var i = 0; i < removes.length; ++i)
ret = ZCrypt.remove_by_value(ret, removes[i]);
return ret;
ZCrypt.make_ops = function(rounds, add, sub, xor, not, shift, morph, neg)
var master = []
if (add) master.push(ZCrypt.make_add);
if (sub) master.push(ZCrypt.make_sub);
if (xor) master.push(ZCrypt.make_xor);
if (not) master.push(ZCrypt.make_not);
if (shift) master.push(ZCrypt.make_shift);
if (add && morph) master.push(ZCrypt.make_add_morph);
if (sub && morph) master.push(ZCrypt.make_sub_morph);
if (xor && morph) master.push(ZCrypt.make_xor_morph);
if (neg) master.push(ZCrypt.make_neg);
var nops = [];
nops.push([ZCrypt.make_add, ZCrypt.make_add_morph, ZCrypt.make_sub, ZCrypt.make_sub_morph]);
nops.push([ZCrypt.make_xor, ZCrypt.make_xor_morph]);
var last = -1;
var ops = [];
for (var round = 0; round < rounds; ++round)
var current = master.slice();
if (current.length > 1)
for (var nop = 0; nop < nops.length; ++nop)
for (var item = 0; item < nops[nop].length; ++item)
if (last == nops[nop][item])
current = ZCrypt.remove_all_by_value(current, nops[nop]);
current = ZCrypt.remove_by_value(current, last);
last = current[Math.floor(Math.random() * current.length)];
return ops;
ZCrypt.do_crypt = function(str, rounds, add, sub, xor, not, shift, morph, neg)
var ops = ZCrypt.make_ops(rounds, add, sub, xor, not, shift, morph, neg);
var cs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i)
var c = str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff;
for (var op_idx = 0; op_idx < ops.length; ++op_idx)
var callback = ops[op_idx][0][1];
var args = ops[op_idx][1];
c = callback(c, args, i);
return [ops, cs];
ZCrypt.generate_c = function(ops, cs, isShellcode)
var code = "";
code += "unsigned char s[] = \n{\n";
for (var i = 0; i < cs.length; ++i)
if ((i % 8) == 0)
code += "\n ";
code += "0x" + cs[i].toString(16) + ", ";
code = code.slice(0, -2);
code += "\n};\n\n";
code += "for (unsigned int m = 0; m < sizeof(s); ++m)\n{\n"
code += " unsigned char c = s[m];\n";
ops = ops.reverse();
for (var i = 0; i < ops.length; ++i)
code += " c ";
var op = ops[i][0][0];
switch (op)
case ZCrypt.ADD:
code += "-= 0x" + ops[i][1].toString(16);
case ZCrypt.SUB:
code += "+= 0x" + ops[i][1].toString(16);
case ZCrypt.NOT:
code += "= ~c";
case ZCrypt.XOR:
code += "^" + "= 0x" + ops[i][1].toString(16);
case ZCrypt.SHIFT:
var first = "0x" + ops[i][1][1].toString(16);
var second = "0x" + ops[i][1][0].toString(16);
code += "= (c >> " + first + ") | (c << " + second + ")";
case ZCrypt.ADD_MORPH:
code += "-= m"
case ZCrypt.SUB_MORPH:
code += "+= m"
case ZCrypt.XOR_MORPH:
code += "^= m"
case ZCrypt.NEG:
code += "= -c"
code += "UNKNOWN OP = + " + op.toString();
code += ";\n"
code += " s[m] = c;\n}\n\n";
if (isShellcode)
code += "(*(void(*)(void))&s)();";
code += 'printf("%s\\n", s);';
return code;
ZCrypt.cryptstr = function(oriText, isShellcode, isAdd, isSub, isXor, isNot, isShift, isMorph, isNeg, roundsNum)
var add = isAdd;
var sub = isSub;
var xor = isXor;
var not = isNot;
var shift = isShift;
var morph = isMorph;
var neg = isNeg;
var str = oriText;
var rounds = roundsNum;
if (rounds == NaN)
alert("Please enter an integer for rounds!")
var shellcode = isShellcode;
try {
if (shellcode)
str = ZCrypt.clean_shellcode(str);
str += "\x00";
var args = ZCrypt.do_crypt(str, rounds, add, sub, xor, not, shift, morph, neg);
var code = ZCrypt.generate_c(args[0], args[1], isShellcode);
} catch (e) {
return code;
ZCrypt.validate_number = function(evt) {
var theEvent = evt || window.event;
var key = theEvent.keyCode || theEvent.which;
if ((key < 48 || key > 57) && !(key == 8 || key == 9 || key == 13 || key == 37 || key == 39 || key == 46) ){
theEvent.returnValue = false;
if (theEvent.preventDefault) theEvent.preventDefault();
ZCrypt.clean_shellcode = function(s)
s = s.replace(/(0x|0X)/g, "");
s = s.replace(/[^A-Fa-f0-9]/g, "");
if ((s.length % 2) != 0)
throw "Hex string must be a power of 2 after stripping.";
var ret = '';
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i += 2)
ret += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(s.substr(i, 2), 16));
return ret;
oriText = "12";
isShellcode = true;
isAdd = false;
isSub = false;
isXor = true;
isNot = false;
isShift = false;
isMorph = false;
isNeg = false;
roundsNum = 15;
result = ZCrypt.cryptstr(oriText, isShellcode, isAdd, isSub, isXor, isNot, isShift, isMorph, isNeg, roundsNum)
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