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Created November 7, 2010 03:46
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# MT registry cookbook
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib qw( lib extlib ../lib ../extlib);
use utf8;
use MT;
use MT::Component;
use Test::More;
# create and register components to MT.
# ( normally this is automatically done by MT at initialize phase )
my $c1 = MT::Component->new;
my $c2 = MT::Component->new;
push @MT::Components, ( $c1, $c2 );
$MT::Component{c1} = $c1;
$MT::Component{c2} = $c2;
=head1 registry method is Setter/Getter
You can use $component->registry() method to Set/Get registry values.
=head2 Setter
If hashref is in args, it is Setter.
$component->registry( 'path' => 'to' => 'set' => {
things => 'you',
wanna => 'set',
$c1->registry( this => is => { a => 'pen' } );
this => {
is => {
a => 'pen',
plugin => $c1,
'Set value.',
=head2 Getter
And, if all args were scalar, it is getter.
$component->registry( 'path' => 'to' => 'get' );
$c1->registry( this => is => 'a' ),
'Get value.',
=head1 Two more getters
=head2 MT::registry()
MT::registry method can marge hashes of components.
$c1->registry( foo => { bar => 1 } );
$c2->registry( foo => { buz => 1 } );
bar => 1,
buz => 1,
'Get merged value.',
=head2 MT::Component::registry()
MT::Component::registry was invoked as class method, returns
arrayref of each components' value of the path.
{ 'bar' => 1 },
{ 'buz' => 1 },
'Get multiple values from components as arrayref.',
=head1 Localization
In registry, the strings registered with the key name ends with 'label' are
automatically translated.
This means, If you get the hash tree, all '*label' values in the hash can get
as closure. if you want to get the translated string, just run it.
entry_label => 'Entry',
foo => {
page_label => 'Page',
MT->new; # required for load Core translate lexicons.
'Get translated value',
my $page_label = $c1->registry('foo')->{page_label};
ref $page_label,
'In deep hash, it is closure.',
'And we can get translated value from it.',
=head1 Grafts
May use some tricks grafting yaml file or subroutins on to other registry for
delay loading or using dynamic values.
=head2 sub routine reference
If you set subroutin reference to the registry, you can explore the return
value of subroutin as it's a part of registry.
secret => sub {
return {
'of_life' => 2 * 3 * 7,
$c1->registry( 'secret' => 'of_life' ),
'Fetch from coderef grafts.',
=head2 MT specified routine name
If the string witch starts with doller sign($) and includes double colon(::),
MT understands this is name of perl subroutine.
Note that this value is *NOT* the name of subroutin name in perl symbol table.
the first part is the MT::Component's ID value.
sub my_sub {
my $component = shift;
return {
nelson => "histoire"
$c1->registry({ melody => '$c1::main::my_sub' });
$c1->registry( melody => 'nelson' ),
'Fetch from subroutine grafts',
or you wanna invoke the routine as class method, you can use another syntax
$ + COMPONENT_ID + :: + PACKAGE::NAME->routine_name
this means, set I<COMPONENT_ID> to the current component and run I<routine_name> method
of I<PACKAGE::NAME> package, then grafts retun value on to the registry.
(this needs real file lib/PACKAGE/ at somewhere in search path)
package MT;
sub this_is_me {
my $pkg = shift;
my $component = shift;
return {
my_name => "my name is $pkg",
package main;
$c1->registry({ this_is_me => '$c1::MT->this_is_me' });
$c1->registry( this_is_me => 'my_name' ),
'my name is MT',
'Fetch from class method grafts.'
=head2 YAML file
Registry getters can read inside of yaml file, if the yaml file name
( string ends with '.yaml' ) was found in the value of registry.
MT will search the specified yaml file from the component's base path.
# sorry this test will be skipped until you put registry-test.yaml
# in the same place of this script and that file includes this line.
#greeting: Hello from registry-test.yaml.
skip "No yaml file for test", 1 unless -f 'registry-test.yaml';
$c1->registry({ yaml => 'registry-test.yaml' });
$c1->registry('yaml' => 'greeting'),
'Hello from registry-test.yaml.',
'Fetch from yaml file grafts.',
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