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Last active December 1, 2017 14:15
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  • Save aklefdal/b59a139a305cf91a46889a7e06eed958 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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paket.dependencies from doing 'paket.exe convert-from-nuget' on master branch of
nuget Autofac 4.2.1 restriction: >= net46
nuget Autofac.WebApi2 4.0.1 restriction: >= net46
nuget Castle.Core 3.3.3 restriction: >= net46
nuget Edge.js 6.11.3 restriction: >= net46
nuget FSharp.Compiler.Service 9.0.1 restriction: >= net46
nuget FSharp.Core restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.ApplicationInsights 2.4.0
nuget Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Agent.Intercept 2.4.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DependencyCollector 2.4.1 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.PerfCounterCollector 2.4.1 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.WindowsServer 2.4.1 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.WindowsServer.TelemetryChannel 2.4.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi 5.2.3 restriction: >= net452
nuget Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client 5.2.3
nuget Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core 5.2.3
nuget Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.WebHost 5.2.3 restriction: >= net452
nuget Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Common 1.2.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Receivers 1.2.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Receivers.Azure 1.2.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Receivers.Bitbucket 1.2.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Receivers.Dropbox 1.2.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Receivers.DynamicsCRM 1.2.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Receivers.Generic 1.2.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Receivers.GitHub 1.2.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Receivers.Instagram 1.2.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Receivers.MailChimp 1.2.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Receivers.Pusher 1.2.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Receivers.Salesforce 1.2.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Receivers.Slack 1.2.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Receivers.Stripe 1.2.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Receivers.Trello 1.2.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.AspNet.WebHooks.Receivers.WordPress 1.2.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cryptography.Internal 1.0.2 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection 1.0.2 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Abstractions 1.0.2 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Abstractions 1.0.2 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Server.Abstractions 1.0.2 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions 1.0.2 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features 1.0.2 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities 1.0.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Azure.ApiHub.Sdk 0.7.2-alpha restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Azure.AppService.Proxy.Client.Contract restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB 1.13.2 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB.ChangeFeedProcessor 1.0.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault.Core 1.0.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client 3.1.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Azure.NotificationHubs 1.0.7 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus.EventProcessorHost 2.2.10 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs 2.1.0-beta4-11046 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Core 2.1.0-beta4-11046 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions 2.1.0-beta4-10554 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.ApiHub 1.0.0-beta6-10554 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.BotFramework 1.0.15-beta restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.DocumentDB 1.1.0-beta4-10554 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.EventGrid 1.0.0-beta2-10009 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Http 1.0.0-beta4-10554 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.MobileApps 1.1.0-beta4-10554 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.NotificationHubs 1.1.0-beta4-10554 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.SendGrid 2.1.0-beta4-10554 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Twilio 1.1.0-beta4-10554 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Logging 2.1.0-beta4-11046 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Logging.ApplicationInsights 2.1.0-beta4-11046 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.ServiceBus 2.1.0-beta4-11046 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Azure.WebSites.DataProtection 0.1.81-alpha restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Bcl 1.1.10 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Bcl.Build 1.0.21 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Bot.Connector.DirectLine 3.0.0-beta restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers 1.1.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Common 2.3.2 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp 2.3.2 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Scripting 2.3.2 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Scripting.Common 2.3.2 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Data.Edm 5.8.1
nuget Microsoft.Data.OData 5.8.1
nuget Microsoft.Data.Services.Client 5.8.1
nuget Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions 1.0.2 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection 1.0.2 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions 1.1.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Abstractions 1.0.1 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Extensions.Logging 1.1.1 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions 1.1.1 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Extensions.Options 1.0.2 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives 1.0.1 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.IdentityModel.Logging 1.1.3 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens 5.1.3 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Net.Http 2.2.29 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms 1.1.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime 2.3.3 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.Tpl.Dataflow 4.5.24
nuget Microsoft.Win32.Primitives 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ConfigurationManager 3.2.3 restriction: >= net46
nuget Moq 4.5.28 restriction: >= net46
nuget ncrontab 3.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget NETStandard.Library 2.0.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Newtonsoft.Json 9.0.1
nuget NuGet.Frameworks 3.4.3 restriction: >= net46
nuget NuGet.LibraryModel 3.4.3 restriction: >= net46
nuget NuGet.Versioning 3.4.3 restriction: >= net46
nuget RestSharp 105.2.3 restriction: >= net46
nuget Sendgrid 8.0.5 restriction: >= net46
nuget SendGrid.CSharp.HTTP.Client 3.0.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget SendGrid.SmtpApi 1.3.1
nuget StyleCop.Analyzers 1.1.0-beta001 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.AppContext 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Buffers 4.0.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Collections 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Collections.Concurrent 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Collections.Immutable 1.3.1 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.ComponentModel 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Console 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Diagnostics.Debug 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource 4.4.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Diagnostics.StackTrace 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Diagnostics.Tools 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Diagnostics.Tracing 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Dynamic.Runtime 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Globalization 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Globalization.Calendars 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt 5.1.3 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.IO 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.IO.Abstractions restriction: >= net46
nuget System.IO.Abstractions.TestingHelpers restriction: >= net46
nuget System.IO.Compression 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.IO.Compression.ZipFile 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.IO.FileSystem 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Linq 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Linq.Expressions 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Net.Http 4.3.2 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Net.Primitives 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Net.Sockets 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.ObjectModel 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Reactive 3.1.1 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Reactive.Core 3.1.1 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Reactive.Interfaces 3.1.1 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Reactive.Linq 3.1.1 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Reactive.PlatformServices 3.1.1 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Reactive.Windows.Threading 3.1.1 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Reflection 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Reflection.Extensions 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Reflection.Metadata 1.4.2 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Reflection.Primitives 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Resources.ResourceManager 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Runtime 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Runtime.Extensions 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Runtime.Handles 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Runtime.InteropServices 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Runtime.Numerics 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Spatial 5.8.1
nuget System.Text.Encoding 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Text.Encoding.CodePages 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Text.Encoding.Extensions 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Text.Encodings.Web 4.0.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Text.RegularExpressions 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Threading 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Threading.Tasks 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Threading.Thread 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Threading.Timer 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.ValueTuple 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Xml.ReaderWriter 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Xml.XDocument 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Xml.XmlDocument 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Xml.XPath 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget System.Xml.XPath.XDocument 4.3.0 restriction: >= net46
nuget Twilio 4.7.2 restriction: >= net46
nuget WindowsAzure.ServiceBus 4.1.0
nuget WindowsAzure.Storage 7.2.1 restriction: >= net46
nuget xunit 2.2.0
nuget xunit.abstractions 2.0.1
nuget xunit.assert 2.2.0
nuget xunit.core 2.2.0
nuget xunit.extensibility.core 2.2.0
nuget xunit.extensibility.execution 2.2.0
nuget xunit.runner.visualstudio 2.2.0
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