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Last active January 2, 2016 02:28
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JSBin deployment
from fabric.api import settings, run, cd
from fabric.state import env
from fabric.contrib.console import confirm
from fabric.context_managers import shell_env
from os import urandom
# yum install node sqlite-devel gcc-c++
def install_rpms():
# TODO check if installed first
run('yum -y install node sqlite-devel gcc-c++')
# TODO maybe create user for running jsbin?
# npm install jsbin
def install_jsbin():
with settings(warn_only = True):
if run('npm list -g --parseable | grep jsbin').failed:
run('npm install -g jsbin')
# copy template config file
def create_config():
with cd('/root'):
with settings(warn_only = True):
if run('test -f jsbin.json').failed:
# get config template
# replace values in template
run('sed -i "s/<hostname>/%s/g" jsbin.json' %
run('sed -i "s/<session_secret>/%s/g" jsbin.json' % urandom(16).encode('hex'))
# TODO install custom template
# run as nohup on 8080 port
def run_jsbin():
with shell_env(JSBIN_CONFIG='/root/jsbin.json'):
with cd('/root'):
run('sh -c "((nohup jsbin 2>&1 >/dev/null </dev/null) &)"', pty=False)
def deploy():
"env": "development",
"timezone": "UTC",
"url": {
"host": "<hostname>:8000",
"prefix": "/",
"ssl": false,
"static": false
"max-request-size": "1MB",
"store": {
"adapter": "sqlite",
"sqlite": {
"location": "/tmp/jsbin.db"
"mysql": {
"host": "localhost",
"user": "root",
"password": "",
"database": "jsbin",
"charset": "utf8mb4",
"collate": "utf8mb4_unicode_ci"
"session": {
"secret": "<session_secret>"
"analytics": {
"id": null
"mail": {
"adapter": "sendmail",
"sendmail": {},
"smtp": {
"service": "Gmail",
"auth": {
"user": "",
"pass": ""
"server": {
"logger": "default"
"notify": {
"errors": [],
"report": []
"blacklist": {
"html": ["processform.cgi", ""],
"css": [],
"javascript": []
"reserved": [
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