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Last active August 11, 2017 18:39
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Makkah Calendar
Usage: String today = MakkahCalendar.getSimpleDate(null);
import java.util.Calendar;
public final class MakkahCalendar {
public final static String[] WEEKDAYS = { 0, "Ahad", "Ithnain", "Thulatha", "Arba'a", "Khamsa", "Jumu'ah", "Sabt" };
public final static String[] MONTHS = { 0, "Muharram", "Safar", "Rabi'ul awwal", "Rabi'ul akhir",
"Jumadal ula", "Jumadal akhira", "Rajab", "Sha'ban", "Ramadhan", "Shawwal", "Dhul qa'ada", "Dhul hijja" };
private final static int START_YEAR = 2009; //1 muharram 1431 = 18 dec 2009
private final static int START_MONTH = Calendar.DECEMBER;
private final static int START_DAY = 18;
private final static int START_HIJRIYEAR = 1431;
private final static int[] data = {
30,29,30,30,29,30,29,29,30,29,29,30, //1431
30,29,30,30,30,29,30,29,29,30,29,30, //1432
29,29,30,30,30,29,30,30,29,29,30,29, //1433
29,30,29,30,30,29,30,30,29,30,29,30, //1434
29,29,30,29,30,30,29,30,29,30,30,29 //1435
public static int[] getDate(Calendar cal) {
//get startdate calendar
Calendar calS = Calendar.getInstance();
if (cal == null) cal = Calendar.getInstance();
int weekday = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
//total days since startdate
long diff = cal.getTimeInMillis() - calS.getTimeInMillis();
int elapse = (int)(diff / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); //includes start day
if (elapse < 0) return fallback(cal);
int month = 1;
int day = 1;
int total = 0;
boolean inRange = false;
for (int i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
if (elapse < total+data[i]) {
day = elapse - total;
inRange = true;
total += data[i];
if (month > 12) { month = 1; year++; }
if (!inRange) return fallback(cal);
return new int[]{ weekday, day, month, year };
public static int[] fallback(Calendar cal) {
return null; //or fallback to other methods
public static String getSimpleDate(Calendar cal) {
int[] dt = getDate(cal);
if (dt == null) return "Date not in range";
return WEEKDAYS[dt[0]] + ", " + dt[1] + " " + MONTHS[dt[2]] + " " + dt[3] + "H";
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