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Created April 18, 2010 21:55
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// import for MongoDB Scala Driver
import com.osinka.mongodb.{MongoObject}
import com.osinka.mongodb.shape._
import com.osinka.mongodb.wrapper.DBO
import com.osinka.mongodb.Preamble._
import com.mongodb.{Mongo,DBObject}
case class User extends MongoObject {
var id: Int = _
var name: String = _
var age: Option[Int] = None
override def toString: String = "User " + id + " " + name + " " + age
object User extends MongoObjectShape[User] {
lazy val id = Field.scalar("id",, (x: User, v: Int) => = v)
lazy val name = Field.scalar("name",, (x: User, v: String) => = v)
lazy val age = Field.optional("age", _.age, (x: User, v: Option[Int]) => x.age = v)
override lazy val * = id :: name :: age :: Nil
override def factory(dbo: DBObject) = Some(new User)
class ExampleMongoDriverUsage {
// for a little variation
val r = new scala.util.Random
// possible last names
val lastNames = List("Washington", "Roosevelt", "Johnson", "Kennedy", "Taylor", "Lincoln", "Harrison")
val Host = "localhost"
val Port = 27017
val Database = "kolly"
val mongo = new Mongo(Host, Port).getDB(Database)
def tryThis() {
println("Hello Mongo! Let's play with scala...")
// create a test collection (like a table)
val testDbColl = mongo.getCollection("test")
val testColl = testDbColl.asScala
// insert Map directly into collection
testColl << Map("key" -> 10)
// insert User objects into a User collection
println("Adding users...")
val userDbColl = mongo.getCollection("user")
val userColl = userDbColl of User
for (i <- 1 to 50) {
val useri = new User = "Iam "+lastNames(r.nextInt(lastNames.length - 1)) = i
useri.age = Some(10 + (r.nextInt(70))) // because User.age is an Option[Int]
userColl << useri
// get the users
println("Retrieve all Users...")
userColl foreach { u => println( }
// to get only one "first" user and print its name:
userColl.headOption foreach { u => println( }
// to iterate over users using for-comprehension and return names only:
val names = for {u <- userColl} yield
// query for first two users
println("First two users...")
for {u <- User take 2 in userColl} println(u)
// query with a 'where'
println("Some users older than 50...")
val agedUsers = User where {User.age is_> 50} take 10 in userColl
val nAged = agedUsers.size // an estimate of users satisfying the query (not greater than 10)
for {u <- agedUsers} println(u)
// query with a join term
println("Users younger than 50 in the Kennedy family...")
for {u <- User where { ( like "Kennedy".r) and (User.age is_< 50) } in userColl} println(u)
// drop some users
println("Dropping users older than 65, who should be fishing")
println(" and users younger than 20, who should be in school...")
for { u <- User where { (User.age is_> 65) and (User.age is_< 20) } in userColl} {
userColl -= u
println("Remaining users in age order...")
for { u <- User sortBy User.age.ascending in userColl} println(u)
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