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Forked from rcoup/
Last active September 13, 2024 17:04
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Save akorn/644855ddaa8065f564be to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This script can transfer large directory structures with parallel rsync workers. Example command line: `rsync_parallel . -- -aHSAX --exclude '*13' . /tmp/2/.`
# Copyright (c) 2014, 2020 by Dr. András Korn. Implements the basic idea of a similar script by Robert Coup (2013).
# License: GPLv3
function usage() {
echo 'Usage:
rsync_parallel [--parallel=N] <args to find(1) to generate list of stuff to transfer> -- <args to rsync>
--parallel=N Use N parallel processes for transfer. Defaults to $(nproc) if nproc is available; otherwise to 10.
* Should properly handle filenames with embedded newlines.
* Use with key based SSH authentication to avoid repeated password prompts.
* Unfortunately, the only way to handle funny filenames involves
resorting to find(1), so rsync_parallel is not a drop-in replacement
for rsync(1). It will call rsync(1) with -0 --files-from=-, and feed it
the list of files found by find based on the find(1) arguments you gave
on the command line. You need to make sure the paths output by find will
be valid relative to the source directory you pass to rsync.
* Depends on find -printf, so probably GNU find(1).
* Exit status is the highest of all child rsync exit statuses, or 111 if
invoked incorrectly, or 127 if at least one of the workers aborted with
an unkown exit status.
rsync_parallel --parallel=42 . -- -avHPSAX . user@remote:/some/path/.
typeset -a RSYNCBYTES # an array to count the number of bytes each rsync child has been requested to transfer
typeset -a RSYNCFD # an array whose members are file descriptors connected to workers' stdins
typeset -a findargs # we'll parse find(1) arguments into this array
typeset -a rsyncargs # and rsync(1) arguments into this one
typeset -A STATUS_REPORTED # a hash to keep track of which workers' status we already printed
typeset -A inode_worker # a hash that keeps track of which worker we assigned which inode to; needed to allow rsync -H to work
typeset -a WORKER_STATUS
hardlinks=0 # set to 1 if rsync args apparently include -H or --hardlinks
TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d) || { echo "FATAL: unable to create temporary directory." >&2; exit 111 }
trap "rm -rf $TMPDIR" EXIT
# The only way to obtain the exit statuses from the rsync processes is to write them into tempfiles :(
function worker() {
local ret
trap 'rm $TMPDIR/worker${i}.pid' EXIT
echo $$ >$TMPDIR/worker${i}.pid
rsync -0 --files-from=- $rsyncargs
echo $ret >$TMPDIR/worker${i}.status
# The file list we'll obtain below will be piped into this load-balancing
# function that chooses which rsync child to pass the incoming filename to.
# It chooses the one with the fewest bytes allocated to it so far.
function balance() {
trap - EXIT
local min minworker
local IFS=""
while read -rd '' inum; do
read -rd '' size
read -rd '' name
if ((hardlinks)); then
if [[ -n "$inode_worker[$inum]" ]]; then
print -rN -u $RSYNCFD[$minworker] "$name"
# Obtain file list ("length filename" tuples, one per line).
# It would be tempting to use rsync itself for this, with --no-v --dry-run and
# an out-format of "%l %n", but rsync will escape some characters in filenames
# and not recognize the same escapes in --files-from; so we need to use
# find(1). This has the drawback of also printing filenames that will be
# excluded from the transfer using --exclude.
function generate_file_list() {
trap - EXIT
find $findargs -printf "%i\0%s\0%p\0"
function sigchld_handler() {
trap - EXIT
echo "INFO: a worker exited; $nr_children still running." >&2
local found=0
for i in {1..$PARALLEL}; do
((STATUS_REPORTED[$i])) && continue
if ! [[ -e $TMPDIR/worker${i}.pid ]]; then
if [[ -r $TMPDIR/worker{$i}.status ]]; then
((WORKER_STATUS[$i])) && echo "ERROR: worker $i exited with error $WORKER_STATUS[$i]." >&2
echo "ERROR: worker $i exited unexpectedly/abnormally; assuming exit status 127." >&2
if ! ((found)); then
echo "WARNING: stray SIGCHLD; apparently a worker exited but I don't know which. Global exit status could be wrong. $(echo $TMPDIR/*)" >&2
if [[ "$1" == --parallel=* ]]; then
PARALLEL="${1##*=}"; shift
elif [[ -x /usr/bin/nproc ]]; then
# get findargs
while [[ -n $1 ]] && ! [[ $1 = -- ]]; do
findargs=($findargs $1)
[[ $1 = -- ]] && shift
# anything left over is args for rsync
while [[ -n $1 ]]; do
{ [[ $1 == -H ]] || [[ $1 == -[^-]*H* ]] || [[ $1 == --hard-links ]] } && hardlinks=1
# This is imperfect because "-*H*" can occur in a path specification,
# but it fails safely. I don't want to reimplement much of the rsync
# option parser just to catch this corner case. False positive
# detection of --hard-links results in higher memory consumption for
# the script, and possibly reduced parallelism if the same
# inode number occurs on different files (on different filesystems)
# being transferred.
[[ $1 == --no-hard-links ]] && hardlinks=0
# Again, this is imperfect because if we're already specifying paths,
# a request to transfer a directory called --no-hard-links would
# cause the hardlink logic to be disabled. If you have such
# pathological filenames, change the script.
rsyncargs=($rsyncargs $1)
# You didn't specify any args for rsync? Probably not what you meant.
[[ -z $rsyncargs ]] && usage && exit 111
echo "INFO: Using up to $PARALLEL processes for transfer." >&2
# spawn rsync children, each reading the list of files it should transfer from stdin.
for i in {1..$PARALLEL}; do
exec {myfd}>>(worker)
generate_file_list | balance
trap "sigchld_handler" CHLD
for i in {1..$PARALLEL}; do
exec {myfd}>&-
zmodload zsh/zselect
echo "Waiting for workers to exit." >&2
# TODO: properly test whether the main script can exit prematurely and leave workers running
while ((nr_children)) && [[ -n "$(echo $TMPDIR/*.pid(N))" ]]; do
zselect -t 100
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akorn commented Jul 11, 2020

is there a way to randomize the file list? i have files spread across different drives alphabetically and in order to saturate a 10gb link, I need to transfer in a non alphabetic way.

Not easily, no. Look at generate_file_list(): it outputs "inode size path" tuples separated by NUL characters, and successive tuples are also separated by NULs (the only character that can't occur in a pathname). You'd need to rewrite this to randomize the order somehow but preserve the tuples.

If you can guarantee your filenames don't contain junk like spaces or newlines, it's easier.

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I'm getting a syntax error on line 6.
./ 6: Syntax error: "(" unexpected

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akorn commented Nov 7, 2020

I'm getting a syntax error on line 6.
./ 6: Syntax error: "(" unexpected

You're probably trying to run it with a shell other than zsh.

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As per previously mentioned, but more direct and facilitating non-modified use: On macOS we need to define the location of find for the GNU variety via MacPorts or other package managers. Could you please insert a path definition so we can use non-standard path or named find? for example, I'd like to see an added arg of something like --find_path=/opt/local/bin/gfind.

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