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Created July 2, 2012 22:11
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Save akorobov/3036054 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
quick sort with counting comparisons
import sys
import logging
global log
log = logging.getLogger('qs')
def readFromFile(fname):
print "reading " + fname
txt = open(fname)
li = []
while True:
l = txt.readline()
if len(l) == 0:
break # EOF
log.debug(">> read " + str(len(li)) + " entries from " + filename)
return li
# tbd code below assumes there're no duplicate elements in given input
def partition(list, l, r, pivotidx):
"""im-place quicksort partitioning, returns new pivot poit"""
pivot = list[pivotidx]
# place pivot into first element
list[l], list[pivotidx] = list[pivotidx], list[l]
i = l + 1
log.debug(">> init part " + str(list[l:r+1]) + " i " + str(i) + " pivot " + str(pivotidx) + '/' +str(pivot))
for idx in range(l + 1, r+1):
if list[idx] < pivot:
list[idx], list[i] = list[i], list[idx]
i += 1
log.debug(">> part " + str(list[l:r+1]) + " i " + str(i) + " idx " + str(idx) + " pivot " + str(pivotidx) + '/' +str(pivot))
# move pivot to the proper place
log.debug( ">> swap pivot " + str(list[l]) + " with " + str(list[i-1]) + " at i-1 " + str(i-1) )
list[i-1], list[l] = list[l], list[i-1]
return i - 1
def _qs(list, l, r, pf):
"""quick sorting"""
cmps = 0
if r > l:
# pick new pivot
pivotidx = pf(list, l, r)
log.debug( ">> pre-part " + str(list[l:r+1]) + " l " + str(l) + " r " + str(r) + " pivotidx " + str(pivotidx) )
pivotidx = partition(list, l, r, pivotidx)
log.debug( ">> post-part " + str(list[l:r+1]) + " new pivotidx " + str(pivotidx) )
(left, cmpl) = _qs(list, l, pivotidx -1, pf)
(right, cmpr) = _qs(list, pivotidx + 1, r, pf)
cmps = (r - l) + cmpl + cmpr
# else:
# print "nothing to do for " + str(list[l:r+1])
return (list, cmps)
def qs_inplace(mylist, pf):
return _qs(mylist, 0, len(mylist) - 1, pf)
# really inefficient but quick to write
def find_median(list, l, r):
fi, li, mi = l, r, (l+r)/2
r = [(fi, list[fi]), (li, list[li]), (mi, list[mi])]
# feeling lazy
r = sorted(r, key = lambda v : v[1])
return (r[1])[0]
### test code
test_input = [[1],
[9, 6, 3, 7, 2, 4],
[9, 6, 3, 7, 4, 2]]
def testOne(qsf, l):
pf_first = lambda list, l, r: l
pf_last = lambda list, l, r: r
print "original list " + str(l)
first = qsf(list(l), pf_first)
last = qsf(list(l), pf_last)
median = qsf(list(l), find_median)
print "first " + str(first[1])
print "last " + str(last[1])
print "median " + str(median[1])
def testQS(qsf, lists):
pf_left = lambda list, l, r: l
pf_right = lambda list, l, r: r
for l in lists:
testOne(qsf, l)
#testOne(qs_inplace, [9, 6, 3, 7, 2, 4])
testQS(qs_inplace, test_input)
# if given file name read input from file and sort
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
script, filename = sys.argv
l = readFromFile(filename)
testOne(qs_inplace, l)
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