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Akosua akosasante

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akosasante /
Last active June 1, 2023 15:27
Removing files from git that you accidentally committed (eg: node_modules)

Sometimes we accidentally stage and commit a file or folder that we don't mean to. In order to revert this, we can revert that commit. But if we've already done a bunch of subsequent work and commits, this might be a bit painful. An alternative is to just tell git to remove that file/folder from it's cache, so that it's no longer tracking it.


  1. Create a .gitignore file in the git repo if you haven't already.
touch .gitignore
akosasante / teller_bank_challenge_aaa.livemd
Created September 5, 2022 18:33
Teller Bank Challenge for 2022 Elixir Conf - Akosua A.

Teller Bank Challenge

Mix.install([:req, :jason, :kino])

Your Solution

username = Kino.Input.text("Username") |> Kino.render()