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Last active January 28, 2019 21:24
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Leaf function example
// Compile with: gcc -O2 leaf.c -o leaf
// Proof:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
// Not actually tweaking the stack (except for ret)
int leaf_me_alone(int a, int b)
return a*a + b*b / 2;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
const char *as, *bs;
as = bs = NULL;
if ((as = argv[1])) {
bs = argv[2];
if (!as || !bs) {
return 1;
int a = atoi(as);
int b = atoi(bs);
printf("%d\n", leaf_me_alone(a, b));
printf("%d\n", leaf_me_alone(b, a));
return 0;
leaf_me_alone(int, int):
imul esi, esi
imul edi, edi
sar esi
lea eax, [rsi+rdi]
.string "%d\n"
mov rdi, QWORD PTR [rsi+8]
mov eax, 1
test rdi, rdi
je .L10
push rbp
push rbx
sub rsp, 8
mov rbp, QWORD PTR [rsi+16]
test rbp, rbp
je .L3
mov edx, 10
xor esi, esi
call strtol
mov edx, 10
mov rdi, rbp
xor esi, esi
mov rbx, rax
call strtol
imul ebx, ebx
mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC0
mov rbp, rax
imul ebp, eax
xor eax, eax
mov esi, ebp
sar esi
add esi, ebx
sar ebx
call printf
lea esi, [rbx+rbp]
mov edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC0
xor eax, eax
call printf
xor eax, eax
add rsp, 8
pop rbx
pop rbp
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