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Last active March 24, 2017 11:07
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Files used for the free book contest

Book Draw

This is the code used to decide the winner of the draw for a free copy of my book "Android for iOS Developers" on March 24th, 2017, as announced on Twitter.


This C++ program has been tested on macOS Sierra 10.12.3 with the latest Xcode developer tools, Homebrew and CMake. You can install CMake using Homebrew:

brew install cmake

Build and Run

Copy the files CMakeLists.txt and main.cpp into a folder, cd into that folder and type the following commands:

cmake .


The draw is available in asciinema, and the winner is @yostane!

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.6)
set(SOURCE_FILES main.cpp)
add_executable(bookdraw ${SOURCE_FILES})
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
using Players = vector<string>;
int main() {
Players players{"@0xced", "@GuickPa", "@HerveCaumont", "@LakaLe_", "@MarcioK",
"@Neilkachu", "@VijayTholpadi", "@a_schacherbauer", "@agisilaosts",
"@apouche", "@azouts", "@dmytrolisitsyn", "@draufunddran1", "@ge_hn",
"@guiiipontes", "@igorescobar", "@ikarius", "@jadekin",
"@janiskirsteins", "@jolyAlexandre", "@kedarv", "@kyegeorge",
"@leakywellington", "@lipec", "@m_sgr_bot", "@marius_const",
"@onmyway133", "@ooswald", "@paulrikmans", "@pbendersky",
"@relausen", "@rpresedo", "@rshankra", "@sandeepCool77", "@sconig",
"@whakkee", "@xmonodev", "@xrb", "@yostane", "@zen_prog"};
auto shuffle = [](Players &p) -> void {
auto seed = chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
std::shuffle(p.begin(), p.end(), default_random_engine(seed));
auto stats = [](Players &p) -> string {
auto join = [p](string separator) -> string {
ostringstream stream;
auto iterator = ostream_iterator<string>(stream, separator.c_str());
copy(p.begin(), p.end(), iterator);
auto str = stream.str();
str.erase(str.length() - separator.size());
return str;
stringstream stream;
stream << p.size() << " players: " << join(", ");
return stream.str();
auto congrats = [](string &winner, uint32_t number) -> string {
string medal{"\U0001F3C5"};
string cup{"\U0001F3C6"};
string gift{"\U0001F381"};
string thumbsup{"\U0001F44D"};
stringstream stream;
stream << "And the winner is… " << medal << " " << cup
<< " ~~ " << winner << " ~~ "
<< gift << " " << thumbsup << " (number " << number << ")";
return stream.str();
auto draw = [shuffle](Players &p) {
auto times = arc4random_uniform(1000);
uint32_t lottery;
string winner;
for (int i = 0; i < times; ++i) {
lottery = arc4random_uniform(p.size());
winner = p[lottery];
return make_pair(lottery, winner);
auto result = draw(players);
auto lottery = result.first;
auto winner = result.second;
cout << stats(players) << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << congrats(winner, lottery) << endl;
cout << endl;
return 0;
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