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Created May 5, 2012 11:49
Parse a HAR (HTTP Archive) and return URLs which do not match specific domain
#!/usr/bin/env python
Parse a HAR (HTTP Archive) and return URLs which do not match specific domain
HAR Spec:
HAR can be saved, for example, from Chrome Developer Tools
Copyleft 2012 Andrei Kost <>
based Ian Gallagher <> script
Example usage: ./ foo.har
import json, urlparse
except_domain = '' # domain to exclude
if '__main__' == __name__:
import sys
har_file = sys.argv[1]
# Read HAR archive (skip over binary header if present - Fiddler2 exports contain this)
har_data = open(har_file, 'rb').read()
skip = 3 if '\xef\xbb\xbf' == har_data[:3] else 0
har = json.loads(har_data[skip:])
matching_entries = filter(lambda x: except_domain != urlparse.urlparse(x['request']['url']).hostname, har['log']['entries'])
matching_urls = set(map(lambda x: x['request']['url'], matching_entries))
for url in sorted(matching_urls):
print url
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