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Last active December 18, 2015 16:29
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auto ABCD = next<vector<int>>(4);
cout << sum(ABCD) - min(ABCD) + max(next<vector<int>>(2)) << "\n";
auto N = next<int>();
auto M = next<int>();
auto A = next<vector<int>>(N);
upto(1, M, k) {
times(N - 1, i) {
if(A[i] % k > A[i + 1] % k) swap(A[i], A[i + 1]);
times(N, i) cout << A[i] << "\n";
auto N = next<int>();
auto M = next<int>();
auto F = next<vector<string>>(N);
int ans = INT_MAX;
upto(2, N - 1, j) upto(1, j - 1, i) {
int count = 0;
times(N, x) times(M, y) {
if(x < i) {
if(F[x][y] != 'W') count++;
} else if(x < j) {
if(F[x][y] != 'B') count++;
} else {
if(F[x][y] != 'R') count++;
minA(ans, count);
cout << ans << "\n";
auto N = next<int>();
auto T = next<long long>();
auto Q = next<int>();
vector<long long> A(N);
vector<int> D(N);
vector<long long> stop;
times(N, i) {
A[i] = next<long long>();
D[i] = next<int>();
if(i && D[i - 1] == 1 && D[i] == 2)
stop.push_back((A[i - 1] + A[i]) / 2);
dout << stop << "\n";
times(Q, i) {
auto X = next<int>() - 1;
if(D[X] == 1) {
auto to_stop = lower_bound(all(stop), A[X]);
if(to_stop == end(stop))
cout << A[X] + T << "\n";
cout << min(A[X] + T, *to_stop) << "\n";
} else {
auto to_stop = lower_bound(all(stop), A[X]);
if(to_stop == begin(stop))
cout << A[X] - T << "\n";
cout << max(A[X] - T, to_stop[-1]) << "\n";
auto N = next<int>();
auto M = next<int>();
auto K = next<int>();
auto S = next<int>();
auto P = next<int>();
auto Q = next<int>();
vector<int> C(K);
vector<bool> c(N, false);
times(K, i) c[C[i] = next<int>() - 1] = true;
vector<vector<int>> road(N);
times(M, j) {
auto A = next<int>() - 1;
auto B = next<int>() - 1;
vector<bool> dangerous(N, false) = c;
vector<int> danger0 = C;
times(S, _) {
vector<int> danger1;
for(int d : danger0) {
for(int n : road[d]) {
if(!dangerous[n]) {
dangerous[n] = true;
danger0 = danger1;
dout << dangerous << "\n";
priority_queue<pair<long long, int>> pyon;
pyon.push(make_pair(0, 0));
vector<long long> costs(N, -1);
while(!pyon.empty()) {
auto pair =; pyon.pop();
auto cost = pair.first;
auto d = pair.second;
if(costs[d] != -1) continue;
costs[d] = -cost;
dout << d << ": " << costs[d] << "\n";
for(int n : road[d]) {
if(c[n] || costs[n] != -1) continue;
//dout << "[" << n << "]" << "\n";
pyon.push(make_pair(cost - (dangerous[n] ? Q : P), n));
cout << costs[N - 1] - (dangerous[N - 1] ? Q : P) << "\n";
// 過去最高級の恥
int encode(bool a, bool b, bool c, bool d, bool e, bool f, bool g, bool h) {
return a * 128 + b * 64 + c * 32 + d * 16 + e * 8 + f * 4 + g * 2 + h;
void decode(int k, bool& a, bool& b, bool& c, bool& d, bool& e, bool& f, bool& g, bool& h) {
a = k & (1 << 7);
b = k & (1 << 6);
c = k & (1 << 5);
d = k & (1 << 4);
e = k & (1 << 3);
f = k & (1 << 2);
g = k & (1 << 1);
h = k & (1 << 0);
vector<long long> dp[2][1001];
// main
auto H = next<int>();
auto W = next<int>();
vector<vector<int>> map(H, vector<int>(W, 0));
times(H, i) {
string s = next<string>();
times(W, j) if(s[j] != '.') map[i][j] = s[j] - '0';
upto(0, 1, i) upto(0, W, j) dp[i][j] = vector<long long>(256, LLONG_MAX / 2);
// 256: 0bABCDEFGH
// AB
// CDE
// FGH
dp[0][0][encode(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1)] = 0;
times(H, i) {
times(W, j) times(256, k) {
long long cost = dp[0][j][k];
bool a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h;
decode(k, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
if(cost >= LLONG_MAX / 2) continue;
// dout << " " << a << b << " " << cost << " " << i << " " << j << "\n" << c << d << e << "\n" << f << g << h << endl;
if(d) cost += map[i][j];
int aa = a ? map[i - 1][j ] : 0,
cc = c ? map[i ][j - 1] : 0,
ee = e ? map[i ][j + 1] : 0,
gg = g ? map[i + 1][j ] : 0;
bool I1 = i + 1 < H, J1 = j + 1 < W, I2 = i + 2 < H, J2 = j + 2 < W;
#define PYON(E, G, C) \
minA(dp[1][j ][encode(0, E, f, G, h, j && I2, I2, I2 && J1)], cost + C); \
minA(dp[0][j + 1][encode(b, i && J2, 0, E, J2, G, h, I1 && J2)], cost + C)
PYON(0, 0, min(aa, cc) + ee + gg);
PYON(e, 0, aa + cc + gg);
PYON(0, g, aa + cc + ee);
if(i != H - 1) {
upto(0, W, j) times(256, k) dp[0][j][k] = dp[1][j][k];
upto(0, W, j) dp[1][j] = vector<long long>(256, LLONG_MAX / 2);
times(H, i) { times(W, j) dout << min(dp[i][j]) << " "; dout << "\n"; }
cout << min(min(dp[0][W]), min(dp[1][W - 1])) << "\n";
#ifdef debug
cout << dp[2][1][encode(1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1)] << "\n";
cout << dp[3][1][encode(0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1)] << "\n";
times(H, i) times(W, j) times(256, k) if(dp[i][j][k] == min(dp[i][j])) cout << i << " " << j << " " << (bitset<8>)k << " " << dp[i][j][k] << "\n";
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