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Last active September 4, 2020 07:48
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The following bash script can serve as a reference when pushing nupkg and snupkg solution project packages to BaGet or other nuget servers - there can be more than one project in a solution and this script will push all of them.
# Authors
# Aleksander Kovač
# This script will push all Release project packages for a solution to http://<BaGet host>:<BaGet port>.
# Specific solution projects can be excluded with the following setting:
# <PropertyGroup>
# <IsPackable>false</IsPackable>
# </PropertyGroup>
# Project should include the following setting:
# <PropertyGroup>
# <IncludeSymbols>true</IncludeSymbols>
# <SymbolPackageFormat>snupkg</SymbolPackageFormat>
# </PropertyGroup>
# Set the nuget api key first:
# nuget setApiKey <key> -Source http://<BaGet host>:<BaGet port>/v3/index.json
# nuget setApiKey <key> -Source http://<BaGet host>:<BaGet port>/api/v2/symbol
# Script arguments:
# -f yes force push even if some or all tests fail
# -s yes skip tests
# Script usage example:
# cd MySolutionFolder
# ./
# References
# Remove all entries from path containing %, such as %USERPROFILE%
export PATH=$(echo ${PATH} | awk -v RS=: -v ORS=: '/%/ {next} {print}' | sed 's/:*$//')
while getopts s:f: flag
case "${flag}" in
f) forceRelease=${OPTARG};;
s) skipTest=${OPTARG};;
# Remove existing packages
find . -wholename '*/Release/*.nupkg' -execdir rm {} \;
find . -wholename '*/Release/*.snupkg' -execdir rm {} \;
# Create packages
dotnet clean
dotnet restore
if [[ -z $skipTest ]]; then
dotnet test
if [[ $? -ne 0 && -z $forceRelease ]]; then
echo "Will not release packages because tests failed!"
exit 1
dotnet build -c Release
dotnet pack -c Release
# Will push packages nupkg and snupkg
find . -wholename '*/Release/*.nupkg' -execdir dotnet nuget push -s http://<BaGet host>:<BaGet port>/v3/index.json --skip-duplicate {} \;
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