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Created November 17, 2015 14:43
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Banshee playlists export taken from with some options
#! /usr/bin/env perl
# create m3u file for banshee playlist
use warnings;
use strict;
use DBI;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
use IO::File;
use Pod::Usage;
use URI::Escape;
use File::Copy;
my $pkg = 'banshee-playlist';
my $version = '0.2';
my $targetDir = './';
my $db = "$ENV{HOME}/.config/banshee-1/banshee.db";
my ($export, $list, $quiet);
unless (GetOptions(help => sub { &pod2usage(-exitval => 0) },
'db=s' => \$db,
export => \$export,
list => \$list,
quiet => \$quiet,
'target-dir=s' => \$targetDir,
version => sub { print "$pkg $version\n"; exit(0) }
warn("Try `$pkg --help' for more information.\n");
# connect to database
die("$pkg: banshee database does not exist or is not readable")
unless (-f $db && -r $db);
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$db", '', '',
{ RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 });
# see what user wants
if ($list) {
else {
# get playlist
die("$pkg: incorrect number of arguments: @ARGV") unless @ARGV == 1;
my ($playlist) = @ARGV;
&get_list($dbh, $playlist, $export);
# list the playlists
sub list_playlists {
my ($dbh) = @_;
my $list_q = q(select PlaylistID, Name from CorePlaylists);
my $list_s = $dbh->prepare($list_q);
while (my $row = $list_s->fetchrow_arrayref) {
my ($id, $name) = @$row;
sub get_list {
my ($dbh, $playlist, $export) = @_;
# prep query
my $track_q = q(
select t.Uri, e.ViewOrder, a.Name, t.Title, t.TrackNumber,
l.Title, t.Year, t.Genre, t.Duration/1000
from CorePlaylists as p
join CorePlaylistEntries as e on e.PlaylistID = p.PlaylistID
join CoreTracks as t on t.TrackID = e.TrackID
join CoreArtists as a on a.ArtistID = t.ArtistID
join CoreAlbums as l on l.AlbumID = t.AlbumID
where p.Name = ?
order by e.ViewOrder, e.EntryID
my $track_s = $dbh->prepare($track_q);
# execute query
# open m3u file
my $m3u = IO::File->new(">$playlist.m3u");
die "$pkg: failed to open m3u file: $!" unless defined($m3u);
# get tracks and start loop
while (my $row = $track_s->fetchrow_arrayref) {
my (%track);
@track{qw(uri order artist title n album year genre duration)} = @$row;
my $path = $track{uri};
$path =~ s,^file://,,;
$path = uri_unescape($path);
if (! -f $path) {
warn("$pkg: file does not exist: '$path'\n");
if ($export) {
my $rv = &export_file($path, %track);
if (!$rv) {
warn("$pkg: failed to export file: $path");
else {
$path = $rv;
$m3u->print("#EXTINF:$track{duration},$track{artist} - $track{title}\n");
# export music files
sub export_file {
my ($path, %track) = @_;
# parse file path
my @exts = qw(.mp3 .ogg .flac .m4a);
my ($base, $dir, $suffix) = fileparse($path, @exts);
if (!$suffix) {
warn("$pkg: unknown suffix: $path");
mkdir $targetDir unless -d $targetDir;
my $wav = "$targetDir$base.wav";
my $mp3 = "$targetDir$base.mp3";
print("$pkg: export $path to $mp3\n") unless $quiet;
# see if our work is already done
if (-f $mp3) {
warn("$pkg: file already exists: $mp3");
return $mp3;
if(-f $path){
warn("$path seems to be valid file, just copying to $mp3");
copy($path, $mp3) or die "Copy failed: $!";
return $mp3;
# create wav
my @wav_cmd = (qw(mplayer -really-quiet -nolirc -vo null -vc dummy -ao),
"pcm:waveheader:file=$wav", $path);
if (system(@wav_cmd) != 0) {
warn("$pkg: failed to convert audio file to wav: $path");
# create mp3
my @lame_cmd = (qw(lame --quiet --preset medium), '--ta', $track{artist},
'--tl', $track{album}, '--ty', $track{year},
'--tn', $track{n}, '--tg', $track{genre},
'--tt', $track{title}, $wav, $mp3);
if (system(@lame_cmd) != 0) {
warn("$pkg: failed to convert wav to mp3: $path");
return $mp3;
=head1 NAME
banshee-playlist - list contents of banshee playlists
B<banshee-playlist> [OPTIONS]... [PLAYLIST]
This programs reads a Banshee database and outputs playlist
information. It can create an m3u file for a PLAYLIST (the default),
list the available playlists, and optionally export the song music
files from a playlist.
=head1 OPTIONS
If an argument to a long option is mandatory, it is also mandatory for
the corresponding short option; the same is true for optional arguments.
=over 4
=item --db=PATH
Use PATH for banshee database rather than the default,
=item --export
Write the m3u file and export the music files as LAME-encoded medium
quality MP3 files in the current directory.
=item --help
Display a brief description and listing of all available options.
=item --list
List the banshee playlists.
=item --version
Output version information and exit.
=item --
Terminate option processing. This option is useful when file names
begin with a dash (-).
To get a list of the playlists in banshee, run
$ banshee-playlist --list
To write an m3u file for playlist Workout and export the song files to
the current directory, run
$ banshee-playlist --export Workout
=head1 BUGS
Please email the author if you identify a bug.
=head1 SEE ALSO
sqlite3(1), banshee(1)
=head1 AUTHOR
David Dooling <>
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