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Last active June 12, 2017 12:53
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Example Kotlin script which demonstrates usage gfxinfo to create an automated jank performance test
package com.example
import kotlin.concurrent.thread
import kotlin.collections.*
* Created by Andre Perkins ( on 6/6/17.
* Kotlin script
* A simple script that executes a UI automation tests while, simultaneously, querying the Jank information of
* the connected device via gfxinfo and then outputs a subset of the results.
fun Map<String, String>.toJson(): String {
if ( this.isEmpty() ){
return "{}"
return StringBuilder("")
.append( { (k, v) -> " \"$k\": \"$v\"" }.reduce {o, n -> "$o,\n$n" })
fun Map<String, String>.toXml(): String {
if ( this.isEmpty() ){
return "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<gfxinfo />"
val json: StringBuilder = StringBuilder("")
.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<gfxinfo>\n")
this.forEach { key, entry ->
var xmlValidKey = key.replace(" ", "_")
if (xmlValidKey.startsWithDigit()){
xmlValidKey = "_" + xmlValidKey
json.append(" <$xmlValidKey>\"$entry\"</$xmlValidKey>\n")
return json.append("</gfxinfo>")
fun String.startsWithDigit() = Character.isDigit(this[0])
fun String): Unit {
File(fileName).printWriter().use { out ->
fun String.extractValues(): Map<String, String> {
val mapStats: MutableMap<String, String> = mutableMapOf()
val parts: List<String> = split("\\n".toRegex())
parts.forEach {
val split: List<String> = it.split(":")
if (split.size != 2 || split[0].isBlank() || split[1].isBlank()){
if (split[0] == "Janky frames") {
val split_number_data = split[1].split("(")
val number_of_janky_frames = split_number_data[0]
mapStats["Janky frames"] = number_of_janky_frames.trim()
val percentage_of_janky_frames = split_number_data[1].replace(")", "")
mapStats["Janky frames Percentage"] = percentage_of_janky_frames.trim()
} else {
mapStats[split[0]] = split[1].trim()
return mapStats
private fun extract_gfx_info(apkName: String) = "adb shell dumpsys gfxinfo $apkName".runCommand()
private fun app_process_still_alive(current_stats: String) = !current_stats.contains("No process found for:")
private fun startTest(startTestRunnerCommand: String) = startTestRunnerCommand.runCommand()
private fun String.runCommand(): String {
return try {
val parts = this.split("\\s".toRegex())
val process = ProcessBuilder(*parts.toTypedArray())
} catch(e: IOException) {
throw RuntimeException("Un-able to properly execute system call: $this", e )
fun main(args: Array<String>){
print("starting test!")
val apkName = args[0]
val startTestRunnerCommand = args[1]
val instrumentThread: Thread = thread {
var current_stats: String
var stats: String = ""
while (instrumentThread.isAlive) {
current_stats = extract_gfx_info(apkName)
if (app_process_still_alive(current_stats)){
stats = current_stats
val extractedValues = stats.extractValues()
package com.example
import org.junit.Test
import com.example.MainKtTest.*
import org.junit.Assert
* Created by Andre Perkins ( on 6/6/17.
class MainKtTest {
fun toJson_emptyMap_emptyObjectIsReturned() {
val map = emptyMap<String, String>()
val expected = "{}"
val actual = map.toJson()
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual)
fun toJson_regularMap_validJsonIsConstructed() {
val map = mapOf(Pair("id", "5"), Pair("name", "Andre"))
val expected = "{\n \"id\": \"5\",\n \"name\": \"Andre\"\n}"
val actual = map.toJson()
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual)
fun toXml_emptyMap_emptyObjectIsReturned() {
val map = emptyMap<String, String>()
val expected = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<gfxinfo />"
val actual = map.toXml()
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual)
fun toXml_regularMap_validXmlIsConstructed() {
val map = mapOf(Pair("id", "5"), Pair("name", "Andre"))
val expected = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<gfxinfo>\n <id>\"5\"</id>\n <name>\"Andre\"</name>\n</gfxinfo>"
val actual = map.toXml()
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual)
fun toXml_regularMap_andSomeKeyValuesHaveSpaceDelimiter_validXmlIsConstructed_andSpacesAreReplaced() {
val map = mapOf(Pair("id", "5"), Pair("zip code", "99999"))
val expected = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<gfxinfo>\n <id>\"5\"</id>\n <zip_code>\"99999\"</zip_code>\n</gfxinfo>"
val actual = map.toXml()
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual)
fun toXml_regularMap_andSomeKeyValuesStartWithDigit_validXmlIsConstructed_andKeysThatStartWithDigitPrependWithUnderscore() {
val map = mapOf(Pair("id", "5"), Pair("1stzip", "2"))
val expected = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<gfxinfo>\n <id>\"5\"</id>\n <_1stzip>\"2\"</_1stzip>\n</gfxinfo>"
val actual = map.toXml()
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual)
fun toXml_regularMap_andSomeKeyValuesStartWithDigitAndHaveSpaceDelimiter_validXmlIsConstructed_andKeysThatStartWithDigitPrependWithUnderscore() {
val map = mapOf(Pair("id", "5"), Pair("90th percentile", "2"))
val expected = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<gfxinfo>\n <id>\"5\"</id>\n <_90th_percentile>\"2\"</_90th_percentile>\n</gfxinfo>"
val actual = map.toXml()
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual)
fun extractValues_stringIsBlank_emptyMapIsReturned() {
val stats = ""
val expected = emptyMap<String, String>()
val actual = stats.extractValues()
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual)
fun extractValues_stringContainsEasilyMappableFields_theFieldsArePlacedInTheMap() {
val stats = "janky frames: 49"
val expected = mapOf("janky frames" to "49")
val actual = stats.extractValues()
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual)
fun extractValues_stringContainsExtraData_theMapIsEmpty() {
val stats = "TextureCache 0 / 75497472"
val expected = emptyMap<String, String>()
val actual = stats.extractValues()
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual)
fun extractValues_stringContainsEasilyMappableFields_andExtraData_theFieldsArePlacedInTheMap_andTheRandomDataIsIgnored() {
val stats = "janky frames: 49\n TextureCache 0 / 75497472"
val expected = mapOf("janky frames" to "49")
val actual = stats.extractValues()
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual)
fun extractValues_stringContainsEasilyMappableFields_andExtraDataInTheMiddleOfMappableFields_theFieldsArePlacedInTheMap_andTheRandomDataIsIgnored() {
val stats = "janky frames: 49\n TextureCache 0 / 75497472 \nNumber Missed Vsync: 4"
val expected = mapOf("janky frames" to "49", "Number Missed Vsync" to "4")
val actual = stats.extractValues()
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual)
fun extractValues_stringContainsJankyFramesAndPercentageOnTheSameLine_splitIntoTwoSeparateFieldsInMap() {
val stats = "Janky frames: 4 (80.00%)"
val expected = mapOf("Janky frames" to "4", "Janky frames Percentage" to "80.00%")
val actual = stats.extractValues()
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual)
fun isDigit_firstCharInStringIsDigit_returnsTrue() {
val str = "89thPercentile"
fun isDigit_firstCharInStringIsNotADigit_returnsFalse() {
val str = "Jank"
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