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Last active November 5, 2020 05:49
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  • Save akrisanov/bcc3dfe9890bce0f3a9b64126de279f9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save akrisanov/bcc3dfe9890bce0f3a9b64126de279f9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. – Python
# Round the number from input to the required number of decimals.
# The input format:
# Two lines: the first with a floating-point number, the second with an integer representing the decimal count.
# The output format:
# A formatted string containing the rounded number.
number = float(input())
precision = int(input())
# Write a program that will print the length of a printable representation of the string 'That is \n mine'.
# The single quotes are not part of this string.
print(len(repr("That is \n mine")))
# Write a program that prints the fourth root from a given real number.
# The square root function is located in the math module. Try to find and apply it.
# Do not round the result.
import math
number = float(input())
result = math.pow(number, 1 / 4)
# You are really good at what you do (programming), so your colleague has decided to congratulate you on the completed project
# with a message "You are the best programmer!". But how to do this?
# Write the code that prints this message using an escape sequence so that each word of the sentence would be on a new line.
print("You are the best programmer!".replace(" ", "\n"))
abs_integer = abs(-10) # 10
abs_float = abs(-10.0) # 10.0
round_integer = round(10.0) # 10, returns integer when ndigits is omitted
round_float = round(10.2573, 2) # 10.26
pow_integer = pow(2, 10) # 1024
pow_float = pow(2.0, 10) # 1024.0
largest = max(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) # 5
smallest = min(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) # 1
# abs() and pow() functions have equivalents in the math module.
# The key difference of math.fabs() and math.pow() is that they always return floats:
import math
fabs_integer = math.fabs(-10) # 10.0
fabs_float = math.fabs(-10.0) # 10.0
pow_integer = math.pow(2, 10) # 1024.0
pow_float = math.pow(2.0, 10) # 1024.0
import math
def my_sqrt(value):
""" """
if isinstance(value, str):
return "The string should be converted into a numeric data type"
elif isinstance(value, (float, int)):
return math.sqrt(value)
return None
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