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Last active May 24, 2018 08:19
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Point-in-polygon: Jordan Curve Theorem (JS)
* Point-in-polygon based on Jordan Curve Theorem
* Checks whether a point with a specific lat, long coordinates is inside
* a polygon defined by a given set of points. You can find more information
* about the Jordan Curve Theorem to:
* The algorithm, originally implemented in c/c++ and can be found to
* Implemented to Javascript by: Apostolos Kritikos <>
* Version: 1.0, July 2012
* Parameters:
* targetX - latitude (lat) of our point of interest
* targetY - longtitude (long) of our point of interest
function pointInPolygon(targetX, targetY) {
var tempX;
var tempY;
/* How many times the ray crosses a line-segment */
var crossings = 0;
/* Coordinates of the points */
var polygonX = [ /* LATITUDE COORDINATES GO HERE (e.g. 11.111111, 12.121212, 13.131313, ...) */ ];
var polygonY = [ /* LONGTITUDE COORDINATES GO HERE (e.g. 11.111111, 12.121212, 13.131313, ...) */ ];
/* Iterate through each line */
for ( var i = 0; i < polygonX.length; i++) {
//This is done to ensure that we get the same result when the line goes from left to right and right to left
if( polygonX[i] < polygonX[(i + 1) % polygonX.length]) {
tempX = polygonX[i];
tempY = polygonX[(i + 1) % polygonX.length];
} else {
tempX = polygonX[(i + 1) % polygonX.length];
tempY = polygonX[i];
//First check if the ray is possible to cross the line
if (targetX > tempX && targetX <= tempY && (targetY < polygonY[i] || targetY <= polygonY[(i + 1) % polygonX.length])) {
var eps = 0.000001;
//Calculate the equation of the line
var dx = polygonX[(i + 1) % polygonX.length] - polygonX[i];
var dy = polygonY[(i + 1) % polygonX.length] - polygonY[i];
var k;
if (Math.abs(dx) < eps) {
k = 999999999999999999999999999;
} else {
k = dy / dx;
var m = polygonY[i] - k * polygonX[i];
//Find if the ray crosses the line
var y2 = k * targetX + m;
if (targetY <= y2) {
if (crossings % 2 == 1) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
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