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Created February 23, 2018 21:54
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ActiveRecord Migration actions (methods)

ActiveRecord::Migration API Notes

The ActiveRecord::Migration class is used to manage Rails migration scripts. When writing these scripts, there are many class methods that can be used to make schema changes, which are described below in several sections.

Migration Methods

Create Methods Arguments Notes Rev
create_join_table table1, table2, options Creates a join table Y
create_table name, options Creates a table Y
add_column table_name, column_name, type, options Adds a new column Y
add_foreign_key from_table, to_table, options Adds a new foreign key Y
add_index table_name, column_names, options Adds a new index Y
add_reference table_name, reference_name Adds a new column reference_id Y
add_belongs_to table_name, reference_name same as add_reference Y
add_timestamps table_name, options adds timestamp columns Y
Change Methods Arguments Notes Rev
change_column table_name, column_name, type, options Changes the column type N
change_column_default table_name, column_name, default_or_changes Changes the default value Note 1
change_column_null table_name, column_name, null, default =nil Sets/removes NOT NULL constraint Y
change_table name, options, &block Make some changes on a table
rename_column table_name, column_name, new_column_name Renames a column Y
rename_index table_name, old_name, new_name Renames an index Y
rename_table old_name, new_name Renames a table Y
Deletion Methods Arguments Notes Rev
drop_table name Drops the table Note 2
drop_join_tale table1, table2, options Drops the join table Y
remove_column table_name, column_name, type, options Removes the column Note 3
remove_columns table_name, *column_names Removes one or more columns N
remove_foreign_key from_table, options_or_to_table Removes the FK by options or to-table Note 4
remove_index table_name, column: column_names Removes the index given by column_names Y
remove_index table_name, name: index_name Removes the index with the given name Y
remove_reference table_name, ref_name, options Removes the reference Y
remove_timestamps table_name, options Removes the timestamps Y
# Migration Method Notes on Reversability
1 must supply a :from and :to option
2 must supply a block
3 must supply a type
4 must supply a second table

General DBMS Column Types

These are the generic rails column types that are supported across all DBMS.

The column type is used on add_column and change_column methods. In order for a remove_column to be reversible, the type should also be provided.

Rails Type PG SQL Type Notes
:bigint BIGINT a 64-bit integer number
:binary BYTEA a binary object
:boolean BOOLEAN a boolean value: true or false
:date DATE a date value
:datetime TIMESTAMP date and time value
:decimal, precision: p, scale: s DECIMAL(p,s) a decimal number, with precision p, and scale s
:float, limit: n FLOAT(n) a real-number, with n digits of precision
:primary_key PRIMARY KEY a bigserial (bigint serial) value
:string VARCHAR(255) a variable length one-line string
:text TEXT generally, a multi-line string
:time TIME a time value

PostgreSQL-Specific Column Types

Rails Type PG SQL Type Notes
:cidr CIDR an Internet address range spec (7 or 19 bytes)
:daterange DATERANGE a range of date values
:hstore HSTORE a hash (key, value) store
:inet INET an internet address (7 or 19 bytes)
:int4range INT4RANGE a range of 4-byte (32-bit) integers
:int8range INT8RANGE a range of 8-byte (64-bit) bigint integers
:integer, limit: 2 SMALLINT a 16-bit integer number
:integer, limit: 4 INT a 32-bit integer number
:json JSON a Javascript Object Notiation
:jsonb JSONB a binary JSON
:macaddr MACADDR an Ethernet address
:money MONEY a currency value
:numeric, precision: p, scale: s NUMERIC(p,s) a number, with precision p, and scale s
:numrange NUMRANGE a range of numeric values
:timestamp TIMESTAMP date and time value
:tsrange TSRANGE a range of timestamp values
:tstzrange TSTZRANGE a time range with timezones
:tsvector TSVECTOR a text-search vector
:uuid UUID a globally-unique ID
:xml XML an XML data type

Notes on Types

  • With PostgreSQL, unless there is a strong requirement for the specific character length that string provides, the text type should be preferred, because there is actually a slight performance hit on fixed-length character strings.

Options on Migration Methods

Method Options Description
create_join_table :table_name
:column_options options to be applied to columns
:options for table definition
:temporary make a temporary table
:force if true, drop table before creating it
add_column :limit maximum column limit; = bytes for :integer
:default column's default value; use nil for NULL
:null allows NULL values
:precision number of fractional digits for :decimal and :numeric
:scale the scale for :decimal and :numeric columns
add_foreign_key :column The FK on from_table; defaults to {to_table}_id
:primary_key the PK on the to_table; defaults to id
:name the constraint name; defaults to fk_rails_<ident>
:on_delete Action for DELETE: :nullify, :cascade, and :restrict
:on_update Action for UPDATE: :nullify, :cascade, and :restrict
add_index :name the name of the index
:unique true indicates that the index must have unique keys
:length the length or lengths of the index
:order specify ordering with {column_name: :asc/:desc} pairs
:where conditional index
:using algorithm: 'btree'
add_reference :type reference column type; default: :integer
(aka belongs_to) :index add an index; default to true
:foreign_key add an appropriate FK constraint; default is false
{to_table: table_name}
:null whether the column allow nulls; default is true
add_timestamps :null whether or not the timestamp columns can be NULL
change_column same as add_column
change_column_default :from old default (allows reversibility)
change_table :bulk make multiple changes on a single ALTER TABLE

Conditional Methods

Method Arguments Description
column_exists? table_name, column_name, type=nil, options True if the named column exists
data_source_exists? table_name True if the given SQL object exist
foreign_key_exists? table_name, options_or_to_table True if FK exists from_table to to_table
index_exists? table_name, column_name(s) True if index exist on given column(s)
index_name_exists? table_name, index_name True if named index exists
options_include_default? options true if options includes :default
table_exists? table_name true if the given table name exists
view_exists? view_name true if the given view exists

Information Methods

Method Arguments Description
columns table_name an array of Column objects for the given table
data_sources returns the data sources in the current database
foreign_keys table_name an array of foreign key objects on the given table
indexes table_name array of indexes on the given table
native_database_types hash of mappings from abstract data types to native database types
primary_key table_name the primary key for the table
table_alias_for table_name return a suitable table alias
table_comment table_name return a comment on the table (if any)
table_options table_name return the options on the given table
tables returns all the tables in the database
views returns all the views in the database
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