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Last active October 6, 2017 09:33
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  • Save aksakalli/29b6de2f3ea6fa9a42f31346e5a4a0c4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save aksakalli/29b6de2f3ea6fa9a42f31346e5a4a0c4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
running gtop in the background using tilda
tilda_config_version = "1.3.1"
command = "gtop"
font = "Monospace 11"
key = "F1"
addtab_key = "<Shift><Control>t"
fullscreen_key = "F11"
toggle_transparency_key = "F12"
toggle_searchbar_key = "<Shift><Control>f"
closetab_key = "<Shift><Control>w"
nexttab_key = "<Control>Page_Down"
prevtab_key = "<Control>Page_Up"
movetableft_key = "<Shift><Control>Page_Up"
movetabright_key = "<Shift><Control>Page_Down"
gototab_1_key = "<Alt>1"
gototab_2_key = "<Alt>2"
gototab_3_key = "<Alt>3"
gototab_4_key = "<Alt>4"
gototab_5_key = "<Alt>5"
gototab_6_key = "<Alt>6"
gototab_7_key = "<Alt>7"
gototab_8_key = "<Alt>8"
gototab_9_key = "<Alt>9"
gototab_10_key = "<Alt>0"
copy_key = "<Shift><Control>c"
paste_key = "<Shift><Control>v"
quit_key = "<Shift><Control>q"
title = "Tilda"
background_color = "white"
# working_dir = ""
web_browser = "x-www-browser"
increase_font_size_key = "<Control>equal"
decrease_font_size_key = "<Control>minus"
normalize_font_size_key = "<Control>0"
# show_on_monitor = ""
word_chars = "-A-Za-z0-9,./?%&#:_"
lines = 5000
max_width = 1113
max_height = 1056
min_width = 1
min_height = 1
x_pos = 797
y_pos = 24
tab_pos = 0
backspace_key = 0
delete_key = 1
d_set_title = 3
command_exit = 0
scheme = 3
slide_sleep_usec = 20000
animation_orientation = 0
timer_resolution = 200
auto_hide_time = 2000
on_last_terminal_exit = 0
palette_scheme = 0
non_focus_pull_up_behaviour = 1
cursor_shape = 0
# show_on_monitor_number = 0
title_max_length = 25
palette = {11822, 13364, 13878, 52428, 0, 0, 20046, 39578, 1542, 50372, 41120, 0, 13364, 25957, 42148, 30069, 20560, 31611, 1542, 38944, 39578, 54227, 55255, 53199, 21845, 22359, 21331, 61423, 10537, 10537, 35466, 58082, 13364, 64764, 59881, 20303, 29298, 40863, 53199, 44461, 32639, 43176, 13364, 58082, 58082, 61166, 61166, 60652}
scrollbar_pos = 2
back_red = 0
back_green = 0
back_blue = 0
text_red = 65535
text_green = 65535
text_blue = 65535
cursor_red = 65535
cursor_green = 65535
cursor_blue = 65535
scroll_history_infinite = false
scroll_on_output = false
notebook_border = false
antialias = true
scrollbar = false
grab_focus = true
above = false
notaskbar = true
bold = true
blinks = true
scroll_on_key = true
bell = false
run_command = true
pinned = true
animation = false
hidden = true
set_as_desktop = false
centered_horizontally = false
centered_vertically = false
enable_transparency = true
double_buffer = false
auto_hide_on_focus_lost = false
auto_hide_on_mouse_leave = false
title_max_length_flag = true
inherit_working_dir = true
command_login_shell = false
start_fullscreen = false
# image = ""
# scroll_background = false
# use_image = false
transparency = 0
back_alpha = -65
[Desktop Entry]
Comment[en_US]=starts tilda for gtop
Comment=starts tilda for gtop
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