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Last active May 27, 2019 11:19
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Data-driven migration testing with REST APIs and Python
import csv
import lemoncheesecake.api as lcc
import requests
from lemoncheesecake.matching import check_that, equal_to
ACCOUNT_DETAILS_ENDPOINT = "accountdetails/"
def get_user_profile(base_url, phone_number):
params = {"phoneNumber": phone_number}
return requests.get(url=base_url + USERS_ENDPOINT, params=params)
def get_account_details(base_url, user_id):
params = {"userId": user_id}
return requests.get(url=base_url + ACCOUNT_DETAILS_ENDPOINT, params=params)
def verify_common_account_attributes(account_details, account_balance):
""" Verify all the common credit account attributes """
status = account_details['operationalStatus']
check_that("operational status", status, equal_to("ACCOUNT_APPROVED"))
activation_status = account_details['activationStatus']
check_that("activation status", activation_status, equal_to("ACCOUNT_ACTIVATED"))
account_balance_ = account_details['accountBalance']
check_that("account balance amount", account_balance_, equal_to(float(account_balance)))
def perform_account_migration_tests(mobile_number, customer_id, user_id, account_balance, account_bonus):
def func():
lcc.log_info("mobile number: {} | account balance: {}".format(mobile_number, account_balance))
""" Verify various attributes from the user's profile """
response = get_user_profile(base_url=APP_BASE_URL, phone_number=mobile_number)
check_that("value", response.status_code, equal_to(200))
if response.status_code is 200:
response_data = response.json()['responseData']
user_id_ = response_data['userId']
customer_id_ = response_data['customerId']
used_balance = response_data['usedBalance']
check_that("used balance", used_balance,
equal_to(account_balance - account_bonus)) # business logic applicable for all the users
check_that("user id", user_id_, equal_to(user_id))
check_that("customer id", customer_id_, equal_to(customer_id))
""" Verify various attributes from the user's all loan requests """
response = get_account_details(base_url=APP_BASE_URL, user_id=user_id_)
check_that("value", response.status_code, equal_to(200))
if response.status_code is 200:
check_that("count", response.json()['responseData']['count'],
equal_to(1)) # business logic applicable for all the users
lcc.log_error("Failed to fetch the account details for the user {}".format(user_id_))
lcc.log_error("Failed to fetch the user profile for user {}.".format(user_id))
return func
@lcc.suite("Simple migration test suite")
class sample_migration_test_suite:
csv_data = list()
def __init__(self):
with open(USERS_MIGRATION_CSV) as csv_file:
self.csv_data = csv.DictReader(csv_file)
next(self.csv_data) # skip the header
for row in self.csv_data:
mobile_number = row['phone_number']
customer_id = int(row['customer_id'])
user_id = int(row['user_id'])
account_balance = float(row['account_balance']) # assume this being in users.csv
account_bonus = float(row['account_bonus']) # assume this being in users.csv
test = lcc.Test(name=mobile_number,
description="Bank account migration test for user {} with phone number".format(user_id,
customer_id=customer_id, user_id=user_id,
lcc.add_test_in_suite(test=test, suite=self)
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