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Created June 11, 2021 20:41
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Hacky code to experiment with opening media on iOS , copy paste code below `plyer/platforms/ios/filechooser`
IOS file chooser
This module houses the iOS implementation of the plyer FileChooser.
.. versionadded:: 1.4.4
from plyer.facades import FileChooser
from pyobjus import autoclass, protocol
from pyobjus.dylib_manager import load_framework
import os
AVURLAsset = autoclass('AVURLAsset')
AVAssetExportSession = autoclass('AVAssetExportSession')
NSURL = autoclass('NSURL')
class IOSFileChooser(FileChooser):
FileChooser implementation for IOS using
the built-in file browser via UIImagePickerController.
.. versionadded:: 1.4.0
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._on_selection = None
def _file_selection_dialog(self, *args, **kwargs):
Function called when action is required, A "mode" parameter specifies
which and is one of "open", "save" or "dir".
self._on_selection = kwargs["on_selection"]
if kwargs["mode"] == "open":
raise NotImplementedError()
def _get_picker(self):
Return an instantiated and configured UIImagePickerController.
picker = autoclass("MPMediaPickerController")
po = picker.alloc().init(4)
po.allowsPickingMultipleItems = True
po.showsCloudItems = False
po.showsItemsWithProtectedAssets = False
po.delegate = self
return po
def _open(self):
Launch the native iOS file browser. Upon selection, the
`imagePickerController_didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo_` delegate is
called where we close the file browser and handle the result.
picker = self._get_picker()
UIApplication = autoclass('UIApplication')
vc = UIApplication.sharedApplication().keyWindow.rootViewController()
vc.presentViewController_animated_completion_(picker, True, None)
def mediaPicker_didPickMediaItems_(
self, media_picker, mpmedia_item_collection):
Delegate which handles the result of the image selection process.
items = mpmedia_item_collection.items
urls = []
for i in range(items.count()):
item = items.objectAtIndex_(i)
asseturl = item.assetURL()
url, persistentid = str(asseturl.absoluteString.cString()).split('?id=')
title = item.title().cString()
artist = item.artist().cString()
duration = item.playbackDuration()
print(f'{url}, {persistentid}, {title}, {artist}, {duration}')
asset = AVURLAsset.URLAssetWithURL_options_(asseturl, None)
exporter = AVAssetExportSession.exportSessionWithAsset_presetName_(asset, 'AVAssetExportPresetAppleM4A')
# print(dir(AVAssetExportSession))
exporter.outputFileType = ""
from import App
app = App.get_running_app()
exportURLPath = f'{app.user_data_dir}/{title}.m4a'
exportURL = NSURL.fileURLWithPath_(exportURLPath)
exporter.outputURL = exportURL
if os.path.exists(exportURLPath):
def doufus(*args):
print('has_protected: ', item.hasProtectedAsset())
print('librarylink: ', item._libraryLinkURL().absoluteString.cString())
# urls.append(url)
# this is just to wait while the files selected are saved to app.user_data_dir
import time
while not os.path.exists(exportURLPath):
print(os.path.exists(exportURLPath), 'exists')
media_picker.dismissViewControllerAnimated_completion_(True, None)
path = '.'
def instance():
return IOSFileChooser()
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