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Last active August 1, 2023 16:35
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Letsencrypt Automated Renewal Makefile (Cloudflare)

How to Use:

renew certs (cloudflare domain) : make renew-certs

update certs (concatenate "fullchain" and copy to working dir) : make update-certs

renew a single domain : make

Important!: create a cf.ini file with cloudflare token

How to Edit:

change hosts: Add your hosts to vhost (Line 5)

change certbot settings: edit or add to line 15-17

set email: change line 21

change creential file: change line 19

change proxy working dir: edit PROXY_CERT_DIR (Line 4)

use docker certbot: uncomment line 9-13

ACTIONS=${foreach host, $(VHOSTS), update-$(host)}
echo "renewing $@"; \
#docker run \
# --rm \
# -v "/etc/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt" \
# -v "$$PWD/cf.ini:/cf.ini:ro" \
# certbot/certbot:latest \
certbot \
certonly \
--non-interactive \
--agree-tos \
--dns-cloudflare \
--dns-cloudflare-credentials=./cf.ini \
-d $@ \
renew-certs: ${VHOSTS}
export host="$(subst update-,,$@)"; \
echo $$host;\
cat $(LETSENCRYPT_ROOT)/live/$${host}/fullchain.pem ${LETSENCRYPT_ROOT}/live/$$host/privkey.pem > $(PROXY_CERT_DIR)/$$host.pem; \
chmod 400 $(PROXY_CERT_DIR)/$$host.pem; \
for host in $(VHOSTS); \
do \
echo $$host; \
cat $(LETSENCRYPT_ROOT)/live/$$host/fullchain.pem ${LETSENCRYPT_ROOT}/live/$$host/privkey.pem > $(PROXY_CERT_DIR)/$$host.pem; \
chmod 400 $(PROXY_CERT_DIR)/$$host.pem; \
.PHONY: ${VHOSTS} renew-certs update-certs ${ACTIONS}
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