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Changing resolution in file properties in blender

Question 1: In the code you'd observe there's a lot of room for improvement. Can you spot those and write them in the comment?

import bpy
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timezone
import math
import exifread
from PIL import Image
import logging

# sequence_editor.sequences_all["178"].transform.rotation
# Song :
class BlenderVideoEditor:
    def __init__(self):
        '''initialize start_frame and duration of video-synced-audio'''
    def enable_scale_keyframe(self, clip=None, scale=1, frame=1):
        clip.transform.scale_x = scale
        clip.transform.scale_y = scale
        clip.transform.keyframe_insert(data_path="scale_x", frame=frame)
        clip.transform.keyframe_insert(data_path="scale_y", frame=frame)
        return clip
    def enable_rotate_keyframe(self, clip=None, frame_s=1, frame_e=10):
        clip.transform.rotation = 0
        clip.transform.keyframe_insert(data_path="rotation", frame=frame_s)
        clip.transform.rotation = (-1 * math.pi / 2)
        clip.transform.keyframe_insert(data_path="rotation", frame=frame_e)
        return clip
    def get_video_file_names(self, dir="/media/amit/4CFC-8D04/DCIM/1"):
        p = Path(dir)
        return [(x.absolute(), datetime.fromtimestamp(x.stat().st_mtime)) for x in sorted(p.iterdir()) if not x.is_dir()]
    def add_movie_clips_from(self, dir="/media/amit/4CFC-8D04/DCIM/2", start_frame=1, channel=2):
        frame_s = start_frame
        y_offset = -444
        for i, x in enumerate(self.get_video_file_names(dir=dir)):
            if str(x[0]).endswith(".mp4"):
                clip_v = bpy.context.scene.sequence_editor.sequences.new_movie(name=str(i),filepath=str(x[0]),channel=channel, frame_start = frame_s)
                clip_a = bpy.context.scene.sequence_editor.sequences.new_sound(name=str(i),filepath=str(x[0]),channel=channel+1, frame_start = frame_s)
                dur = max([clip_v.frame_duration, clip_a.frame_duration])
                clip_v = self.enable_scale_keyframe(clip=clip_v, scale=1, frame=frame_s)
                clip_v = self.enable_scale_keyframe(clip=clip_v, scale=1, frame=frame_s + dur)
                self.start_n_dur.append((frame_s, dur))
                #clip_v = self.enable_rotate_keyframe(clip=clip_v, frame_s=frame_s, frame_e=frame_s + dur)
                timestring ="%f")
                color_clip = bpy.context.scene.sequence_editor.sequences.new_effect(name="color"+timestring, type="COLOR", channel = channel+2, frame_start = frame_s, frame_end = frame_s + dur)
                color_clip.color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
                color_clip.blend_type = 'ALPHA_OVER'
                color_clip.blend_alpha = 0.5
                color_clip.transform.scale_y = 0.1
                color_clip.transform.scale_x = 1
                color_clip.transform.offset_y = y_offset
                subtitle_clip = bpy.context.scene.sequence_editor.sequences.new_effect(name="subtitle"+timestring, type="TEXT", channel = channel+3, frame_start = frame_s, frame_end = frame_s + dur)
                subtitle_clip.text = str(x[1]) + " UTC"
#                subtitle_clip.text = str(self.readExif(filename=str(x[0]))) 
                subtitle_clip.transform.offset_y= y_offset
                subtitle_clip.font_size = 64
                frame_s = frame_s + dur
            if str(x[0]).endswith(".jpg"):
                clip_i = bpy.context.scene.sequence_editor.sequences.new_image(name=str(i), filepath=str(x[0]), channel=ch-annel-1, frame_start = frame_s)
                clip_i.frame_final_duration = 240
                #clip_i = self.enable_rotate_keyframe(clip=clip_i, frame_s=frame_s, frame_e=frame_s + 240)
                timestring ="%f")
                color_clip = bpy.context.scene.sequence_editor.sequences.new_effect(name="color"+timestring, type="COLOR", channel = channel+2, frame_start = frame_s, frame_end = frame_s + 240)
                color_clip.color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
                color_clip.blend_type = 'ALPHA_OVER'
                color_clip.blend_alpha = 0.5
                color_clip.transform.scale_y = 0.1
                color_clip.transform.scale_x = 1
                color_clip.transform.offset_y = y_offset
                subtitle_clip = bpy.context.scene.sequence_editor.sequences.new_effect(name="subtitle"+timestring, type="TEXT", channel = channel+3, frame_start = frame_s, frame_end = frame_s + 240)
#                subtitle_clip.text = str(x[1]) + " UTC; " + str(self.readExif(filename=str(x[0]))) 
                subtitle_clip.text = str(self.readExif(filename=str(x[0]))) 
                subtitle_clip.transform.offset_y= y_offset
                subtitle_clip.font_size = 64
                frame_s = frame_s + 240
    def add_text_strip(self):
        '''Add text strip to the video sequence'''
        p = Path(path)
        lines = list()
        with open(p, "r",  encoding='utf-8-sig') as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
        ts = None
        for l in lines:
            la = l.split("\t")
            fs = (int(float(la[0].strip())) + 1) * 15
            fe = ((int(float(la[1].strip())) + 1) * 15 ) + 3
            ts = context.scene.sequence_editor.sequences.new_effect(name="subtitle", type="TEXT", channel=6, frame_start = fs, frame_end = fe)
            ts = context.scene.sequence_editor.sequences.new_effect(name="subtitle", type="TEXT", channel=6, frame_start = fs, frame_end = fe)
            ts = context.scene.sequence_editor.sequences.new_effect(name="subtitle", type="TEXT", channel=6, frame_start = fs, frame_end = fe)
            ts.text = l.split("\t")[2].strip()
            ts.font_size = 42
    def rotate_and_descale_clip(self, clip=None):
        # rotate thhe given clip by - pi / 2
        clip.transform.rotation = (-1 * math.pi / 2)
        clip.transform.scale_x = 0.75
        clip.transform.scale_y = 0.75
    def readExif(self, filename=None):
        '''Read GPS data from images'''
        result = dict()
        if None == filename:
            for i, x in enumerate(self.get_video_file_names(dir='/media/amit/3662-3532/DCIM/Camera/jan-feb-2022')):
                with open(str(x[0]), "rb") as f:
                    tags.append(exifread.process_file(f, details=False))
            if "GPS GPSLatitude" in tags[0]:
                print(tags[0]["GPS GPSLatitude"])
            if "GPS GPSLongitude" in tags[0]:
                print(tags[0]["GPS GPSLongitude"])
            with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
                tags=exifread.process_file(f, details=False)
                if "GPS GPSLatitude" in tags:
                    result["GPSLatitude"] = tags["GPS GPSLatitude"]
#                    print("GPSLatitude:")
#                    print(tags["GPS GPSLatitude"])
                if "GPS GPSLongitude" in tags:
                    result["GPSLongitude"] = tags["GPS GPSLongitude"]
#                    print("GPSLongitude:")
#                    print(tags["GPS GPSLongitude"])
                if "Image DateTime" in tags:
                    result["DateTime"] = tags["Image DateTime"]
        return result                

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Select Aswal's wedding photos and videos
    bve = BlenderVideoEditor()
#    bve.readExif()
    # 37716
#    for i in [0, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 41]:
#        bve.rotate_and_descale_clip(clip=bpy.context.scene.sequence_editor.sequences[str(i)])    
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