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Last active August 24, 2023 05:49
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Describing Akaya Project

Training AI with Knowledge from Yoga Principles.

A strong monkey who is learned in ancient Indian scriptures. He's single for life and is ascertained to live for ever. He's a Yogi and knows Tantra, Mantra and 8 powers.

ऊहः शब्दोऽध्ययनं दुःख विघातास्त्रयः सुहृत्प्राप्तिः ।

दानं च सिद्धयोऽष्टौ सिद्धे पूर्वोऽङ्कुशस्त्रिविधः ॥

ऊह् ऊहँ वितर्केभ्वादिः, आत्मनेपदी, सकर्मकः, सेट् (तर्क करना, कल्पना करना, अवधारणा करना, अनुमान करना) — पाणिनीय धातुपाठ १.७३५



Suhṛtprāpti (सुहृत्प्राप्ति):—[=suhṛt-prāpti] [from suhṛt > su-hṛd] f. the acquisition of a friend, [Sāṃkhyakārikā]


सृष्टि के तीन भेद । इन तिनोंं के दुःख का निवारण ।

अध्यात्ममधिभूतमधिदैवं च ॥ ७ ॥

endurance, knowledge of sound energy, power of reading and understanding, power of a kind heart, wealth for giving away to those in need, power to shun away sadness related to own comfort and also the power to shun general sadness.

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