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Created November 6, 2023 21:42
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/* global db, tojson, tojsononeline, rs, print, printjson */
/* =================================================
* getMongoData.js: MongoDB Config and Schema Report
* =================================================
* Copyright MongoDB, Inc, 2015
* Gather MongoDB configuration and schema information.
* To execute on a locally running mongod on default port (27017) without
* authentication, run:
* mongo getMongoData.js > getMongoData.log
* To execute on a remote mongod or mongos with authentication, run:
* mongo HOST:PORT/admin -u ADMIN_USER -p ADMIN_PASSWORD getMongoData.js > getMongoData.log
* For details, see
* Please note: all tools/ scripts in this repo are released for use "AS
* IS" without any warranties of any kind, including, but not limited to
* their installation, use, or performance. We disclaim any and all
* warranties, either express or implied, including but not limited to
* any warranty of noninfringement, merchantability, and/ or fitness for
* a particular purpose. We do not warrant that the technology will
* meet your requirements, that the operation thereof will be
* uninterrupted or error-free, or that any errors will be corrected.
* Any use of these scripts and tools is at your own risk. There is no
* guarantee that they have been through thorough testing in a
* comparable environment and we are not responsible for any damage
* or data loss incurred with their use.
* You are responsible for reviewing and testing any scripts you run
* thoroughly before use in any non-testing environment.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var _version = "2.6.0";
(function () {
"use strict";
// For MongoDB 2.4 and before
if (DB.prototype.getUsers == null) {
DB.prototype.getUsers = function (args) {
var cmdObj = { usersInfo: 1 };
Object.extend(cmdObj, args);
var res = this.runCommand(cmdObj);
if (!res.ok) {
var authSchemaIncompatibleCode = 69;
if (res.code == authSchemaIncompatibleCode ||
(res.code == null && res.errmsg == "no such cmd: usersInfo")) {
// Working with 2.4 schema user data
return this.system.users.find({}).toArray();
throw Error(res.errmsg);
return res.users;
// For MongoDB 2.4 and before
if (DB.prototype.getRoles == null) {
DB.prototype.getRoles = function (args) {
return "No custom roles";
// Taken from the >= 3.1.9 shell to capture print output
if (typeof print.captureAllOutput === "undefined") {
print.captureAllOutput = function (fn, args) {
var res = {};
res.output = [];
var __orig_print = print;
print = function () {
Array.prototype.push.apply(res.output," ").split("\n"));
try {
res.result = fn.apply(undefined, args);
finally {
// Stop capturing print() output
print = __orig_print;
return res;
// Convert NumberLongs to strings to save precision
function longmangle(n) {
if (!n instanceof NumberLong)
return null;
var s = n.toString();
s = s.replace("NumberLong(", "").replace(")", "");
if (s[0] == '"')
s = s.slice(1, s.length - 1)
return s;
// For use in JSON.stringify to properly serialize known types
function jsonStringifyReplacer(k, v) {
if (v instanceof ObjectId)
return { "$oid": v.valueOf() };
if (v instanceof NumberLong)
return { "$numberLong": longmangle(v) };
if (v instanceof NumberInt)
return v.toNumber();
// For ISODates; the $ check prevents recursion
if (typeof v === "string" && k.startsWith('$') == false) {
try {
iso = ISODate(v);
return { "$date": iso.valueOf() };
// Nothing to do here, we'll get the return at the end
catch (e) { }
return v;
// Copied from Mongo Shell
function printShardInfo() {
section = "shard_info";
var configDB = db.getSiblingDB("config");
printInfo("Sharding version",
function () { return db.getSiblingDB("config").getCollection("version").findOne() },
printInfo("Shards", function () {
return configDB.shards.find().sort({ _id: 1 }).toArray();
}, section);
printInfo("Sharded databases", function () {
var ret = [];
configDB.databases.find().sort({ name: 1 }).forEach(
function (db) {
doc = {};
for (k in db) {
if (db.hasOwnProperty(k)) doc[k] = db[k];
if (db.partitioned) {
doc['collections'] = [];
_id: new RegExp("^" +
RegExp.escape(db._id) + "\\.")
sort({ _id: 1 }).forEach(function (coll) {
// if (false) {
collDoc = {};
collDoc['_id'] = coll._id;
collDoc['key'] = coll.key;
var res = configDB.chunks.aggregate(
{ "$match": { ns: coll._id } },
{ "$group": { _id: "$shard", nChunks: { "$sum": 1 } } }
// MongoDB 2.6 and above returns a cursor instead of a document
res = (res.result ? res.result : res.toArray());
collDoc['distribution'] = [];
res.forEach(function (z) {
chunkDistDoc = { 'shard': z._id, 'nChunks': z.nChunks };
collDoc['chunks'] = [];
configDB.chunks.find({ "ns": coll._id }).sort({ min: 1 }).forEach(
function (chunk) {
chunkDoc = {}
chunkDoc['min'] = chunk.min;
chunkDoc['max'] = chunk.max;
chunkDoc['shard'] = chunk.shard;
chunkDoc['jumbo'] = chunk.jumbo ? true : false;
collDoc['tags'] = [];
configDB.tags.find({ ns: coll._id }).sort({ min: 1 }).forEach(
function (tag) {
tagDoc = {}
tagDoc['tag'] = tag.tag;
tagDoc['min'] = tag.min;
tagDoc['max'] = tag.max;
// }
return ret;
}, section);
function printInfo(message, command, section, printCapture) {
var result = false;
printCapture = (printCapture === undefined ? false : true);
if (!_printJSON) print("\n** " + message + ":");
startTime = new Date();
try {
if (printCapture) {
result = print.captureAllOutput(command);
} else {
result = command();
err = null
} catch (err) {
if (!_printJSON) {
print("Error running '" + command + "':");
result = null
endTime = new Date();
doc = {};
doc['command'] = command.toString();
doc['error'] = err;
doc['host'] = _host;
doc['ref'] = _ref;
doc['tag'] = _tag;
doc['output'] = result;
if (typeof (section) !== "undefined") {
doc['section'] = section;
doc['subsection'] = message.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, "_");
} else {
doc['section'] = message.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, "_");
doc['ts'] = { 'start': startTime, 'end': endTime };
doc['version'] = _version;
if (!_printJSON) printjson(result);
return result;
function printServerInfo() {
section = "server_info";
printInfo('Shell version', version, section);
printInfo('Shell hostname', hostname, section);
printInfo('db', function () { return db.getName() }, section);
printInfo('Server status info', function () { return db.serverStatus() }, section);
printInfo('Host info', function () { return db.hostInfo() }, section);
printInfo('Command line info', function () { return db.serverCmdLineOpts() }, section);
printInfo('Server build info', function () { return db.serverBuildInfo() }, section);
function printReplicaSetInfo() {
section = "replicaset_info";
printInfo('Replica set config', function () { return rs.conf() }, section);
printInfo('Replica status', function () { return rs.status() }, section);
printInfo('Replica info', function () { return db.getReplicationInfo() }, section);
printInfo('Replica slave info', function () { return db.printSlaveReplicationInfo() }, section, true);
function printDataInfo(isMongoS) {
section = "data_info";
var dbs = printInfo('List of databases', function () { return db.getMongo().getDBs() }, section);
if (dbs.databases) {
dbs.databases.forEach(function (mydb) {
var collections = printInfo("List of collections for database '" + + "'",
function () { return db.getSiblingDB( }, section);
printInfo('Database stats (MB)',
function () { return db.getSiblingDB( * 1024) }, section);
if (!isMongoS) {
printInfo('Database profiler',
function () { return db.getSiblingDB( }, section);
if (collections) {
collections.forEach(function (col) {
printInfo('Collection stats (MB)',
function () { return db.getSiblingDB({ scale: 1024 * 1024, indexDetails: true }) }, section);
// if (true) {
printInfo('Shard distribution',
function () { return db.getSiblingDB( }, section, true);
// }
function () { return db.getSiblingDB( }, section);
printInfo('Index Stats',
function () {
var res = db.getSiblingDB({
aggregate: col,
pipeline: [
{ $indexStats: {} },
{ $group: { _id: "$key", stats: { $push: { accesses: "$accesses.ops", host: "$host", since: "$accesses.since" } } } },
{ $project: { key: "$_id", stats: 1, _id: 0 } }
cursor: {}
//It is assumed that there always will be a single batch as collections
//are limited to 64 indexes and usage from all shards is grouped
//into a single document
if (res.hasOwnProperty('cursor') && res.cursor.hasOwnProperty('firstBatch')) {
function (d) {
function (d) {
d.since = d.since.toUTCString();
return res;
}, section);
// if (col != "system.users") {
// printInfo('Sample document',
// function () {
// var lastValCursor = db.getSiblingDB({ '$natural': -1 }).limit(-1);
// if (lastValCursor.hasNext()) {
// return
// }
// else {
// return null;
// }
// }, section);
// }
function printShardOrReplicaSetInfo() {
section = "shard_or_replicaset_info";
printInfo('isMaster', function () { return db.isMaster() }, section);
var state;
var stateInfo = rs.status();
if (stateInfo.ok) {
stateInfo.members.forEach(function (member) { if (member.self) { state = member.stateStr; } });
if (!state) state = stateInfo.myState;
} else {
var info =;
if (info && info.length < 20) {
state = info; // "mongos", "configsvr"
if (!state) state = "standalone";
if (!_printJSON) print("\n** Connected to " + state);
if (state == "mongos") {
return true;
} else if (state != "standalone" && state != "configsvr") {
if (state == "SECONDARY" || state == 2) {
return false;
function printAuthInfo() {
section = "auth_info";
db = db.getSiblingDB('admin');
printInfo('Users', function () { return db.getUsers() }, section);
printInfo('Custom roles', function () { return db.getRoles() }, section);
if (typeof _printJSON === "undefined") var _printJSON = false;
if (typeof _ref === "undefined") var _ref = null;
var _output = [];
var _tag = ObjectId();
if (!_printJSON) {
print("MongoDB Config and Schema Report");
print("getMongoData.js version " + _version);
var _host = hostname();
var isMongoS = printShardOrReplicaSetInfo();
if (_printJSON) print(JSON.stringify(_output, jsonStringifyReplacer, 4));
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