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Last active August 10, 2022 14:21
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PHP-CRUD-API, how to use custom controllers

PHP-CRUD-API Custom Controllers

PHP-CRUD-API supports custom controllers. The usage is simple:

  1. Create a controller file
  2. Import the controller and make the controller known to the API using the config parameter 'customControllers'

Update August 2022: This code may be outdated. Please refer to the project documentation about custom controllers:


Controller File

// MyController.php

class MyController

    private $router;
    private $responder;
    private $record_service;

     * @param Tqdev\PhpCrudApi\Middleware\Router\Router $router
     * @param Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $responder
     * @param Tqdev\PhpCrudApi\Record\RecordService $record_service
    public function __construct($router, $responder, $record_service)
        $this->router = $router;
        $this->responder = $responder;
        $this->record_service = $record_service;

        $router->register('GET', '/hello_to_all', array($this, 'sayHello'));

        $router->register('GET', '/hello_to/*', array($this, 'sayHelloTo'));
        $router->register('GET', '/hello_to/', array($this, 'sayHelloTo'));

        $router->register('GET', '/hello_to_friend/*/*', array($this, 'sayHelloToFriend'));
        $router->register('GET', '/hello_to_friend/*/', array($this, 'sayHelloToFriend'));
        $router->register('POST', '/book/*/set_state', array($this, 'setBookState'));

     * @param Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request
    public function sayHello($request)
        return $this->responder->success(['answer' => 'Hello All']);


     * @param Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request
    public function sayHelloTo($request)
        $name = Tqdev\PhpCrudApi\RequestUtils::getPathSegment($request, 2);
        if ($name) {
            return $this->responder->success([
                'answer' => sprintf('Hello %s', $name)
        } else {
            return $this->responder->error(9999, 'You do not have a name.', [
                'name' => 'Name required (path)',
     * @param Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request
    public function sayHelloToFriend($request)
        $name = Tqdev\PhpCrudApi\RequestUtils::getPathSegment($request, 2);
        $friend = Tqdev\PhpCrudApi\RequestUtils::getPathSegment($request, 3);
        if (!$friend) {
            return $this->responder->error(9999, sprintf('%s does not have a friend.', $name), [
                'friend' => 'Friend required (path)',
        } else {
            return $this->responder->success([
                'answer' => sprintf('Hello %s, friend of %s.', $friend, $name)
     * @param Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request
    public function setBookState($request)
        $code_record_not_found = Tqdev\PhpCrudApi\Record\ErrorCode::RECORD_NOT_FOUND;
        $code_validation_failed = Tqdev\PhpCrudApi\Record\ErrorCode::INPUT_VALIDATION_FAILED;
        $body = $request->getParsedBody();
        $id = (int)Tqdev\PhpCrudApi\RequestUtils::getPathSegment($request, 2);
        $new_state = property_exists($body, 'new_state') ? $body->new_state : '';

        if (!in_array($new_state, ['available', 'sold_out'])) {
            return $this->responder->error($code_validation_failed, 'set book state', [
                'new_state' => 'Value out of range',

        // Example how to get multiple records.
        $data = $this->record_service->_list('book', ['filter'=>['author,eq,Adrian']]);
        $books = $data->getRecords();
        // Example how to read one record
        $book = $this->record_service->read('book', $id, []);
        if (!$book) {
            return $this->responder->error($code_record_not_found, $id);
        $record = (object)[
            'state' => 'new_state'
        return $this->responder->success($this->record_service->update( 'book', $id, $record, []));


Make Controller Known To API

// api.php
include 'MyController.php';

 $config = new Config([
    // comma-separated list of controller names
    'customControllers' => 'MyController',


Above example allows to call additional routes, e.g.

GET http://localhost:8080/api.php/hello_to_all

output: {"answer":"Hello All"}

GET http://localhost:8080/api.php/hello_to/

{"code":9999,"message":"You do not have a name.","details":{"name":"Name required (path)"}}

GET http://localhost:8080/api.php/hello_to/sunshine

output: {"answer":"Hello sunshine"}

GET http://localhost:8080/api.php/hello_to_friend/sunshine/

output: {"code":9999,"message":"sunshine does not have a friend.","details":{"friend":"Friend required (path)"}}

GET http://localhost:8080/api.php/hello_to_friend/sunshine/shadow

output: {"answer":"Hello shadow, friend of sunshine."}

POST http://localhost:8080/api.php/book/3/set_state '{"new_state":"sold_out"}'

output: 1
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I have tried this example and get Route not found. Is there a way to debug this?

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Sorry, I have not used PHP-Crud-Api for a while. This code might be outdated.

PHP-Crud-Api has now integrated a section about Custom Controllers:

And there is a 'debug'-Parameter in Configuration

I am sure you will get it running using information on the project site.

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