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Last active June 23, 2017 02:38
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Week 2 of Coursera's Algorithms on Graphs

Directed Graphs

1. Directed Acyclic Graphs

(1) Directed Graphs


A directed graph is a graph where each edge has a start vertex and an end vertex.

(2) Directed DFS

  • Only follow directed edges.
  • explore(v) finds all vertices reachable from v.
  • Can still compute pre- and post- orderings.

(3) Cycles


A cycle in a graph G is a sequence of vertices v1, v2, ..., vn so that (v1, v2), (v2, v3), ... , (vn-1, vn), (vn, v1) are all edges.


If G contains a cycle, it cannot be linearly ordered.

(4) DAGs


A directed graph G is a Directed Acyclic Graph (or DAG) if it has no cycles.

  • Being a DAG is necessary to linearly order.

2. Topological Sort

(1) Sources and Sinks

A source is a vertex with no incoming edges.
A sink is a vertex with on outgoing edges.

(2) Idea of producing linear order

  • Find sink
  • Put at end of order
  • Remove from graph
  • Repeat

(3) How do we know that there is a sink?

Follow Path

Follow path as far as possible.
v1 -> v2 -> ... ->vn. Eventually either.

  • Cannot extend (found sink).
  • Repeat a vertex (have a cycle).

(4) First Try

    while G non-empty:
        Follow a path until cannot extend
        Find sink v
        Put v at end of order
        Remove v from G


  • O(|V|) paths.
  • Each takes O(|V|) time.
  • Runtime O(|V|^2)

(5) Speed Up

  • Retrace same path every time
  • Instead only back up as far as necessary

(6) Better Algorithm

    sort vertices by reverse post-order

(7) Theorem

If G is a DAG, with an edge u to v, post(u) > post(v).

3. Strongly Connected Components

(1) Strongly Connected Components


Two vertices v, w in a directed graph are connected if you can reach v from w and can reach w from v.


A directed graph can be partitioned into strongly connected components where two vertices are connected if and only if they are in the same component.

(2) Metagraph

We can also draw a metagraph showing how the strongly connected components connect to one another.

Note: It's a DAG.


The metagraph of a graph G is always a DAG.

4. Computing Strongly Connected Components

(1) Problem

input: A directed graph
output: The strongly connected components of G.

(2) Easy Algorithm

    for each vertex v:
        run explore(v) to determine vertices reachable from v
    for each vertex v:
        find the u reachable from v that can also reach v
    these are the SCCs


O(|V|^2 + |V||E|). Want faster.

(3) Sink Components

Idea: If v is in a sink SCC, explore(v) finds vertices reachable from v. This is exactly the SCC of v.
Need a way to find a sink SCC.

(4) Theorem

If C and C' are two strongly connected components with an edge from some vertex of C to some vertex of C', then largest post number in C bigger than the largest post number in C'.
Conclusion: The vertex with the largest postorder number is in a source component!

(5) Reverse Graph

Let G^R be the graph obtained from G by revesing all of the edges.

  • G^R and G have same SCCs.
  • Source components of G^R are sink components of G.

FInd sink components of G by running DFS on G^R
Note: The vertex with the largest postorder number in G^R is in a sink SCC of G.

(6) Basic Algorithm

    run DFS(G^R)
    let v have largest post number
    run Explore(v)
    vertices found are first SCC
    Remove from G and repeat

(7) Improvement Algorithm

  • Don't need to rerun DFS on G^R.
  • Largest remaining post number comes from sink component.
    run DFS(G^R)
    for v ∈ V in reverse postorder:
        if not visited(v):
            mark visited vertices as new SCC


  • Essentially DFS on R^G and then on G.
  • Runtime O(|V| + |E|)
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