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Last active August 10, 2017 11:03
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Week 3 of Coursera's Algorithms on Graphs

Most Direct Route

1. Most Direct Route

(1) Paths and lengths

Length of the path L(P) is the number of edges in the path.

(2) Distances

The distance between two vertices is the length of the shortest path between them.

2. Breadth-First Search

3. Implementation and Analysis

(1) Breadth-First Search

  for all u ∈ V:
    dist[u] ← ∞ // you can assign infinity to number of nodes + 1 or number of edges + 1
  dist[S] ← 0
  Q ← {S} {queue containing just S}
  while Q is not empty:
    u ← Dequeue(Q)
    for all (u, v) ∈ E:
      if dist[v] = ∞:
        Enqueue(Q, v)
        dist[v] ← dist[u] + 1

Note : The efficient way to implement for all (u, v) ∈ E is go through the adjacency list of vertex u.

(2) Running time

The running time of breadth-first search is O(|E| + |V|).


  • Each vertex is enqueued at most once.
  • Each edge is examined eith once (for directed graphs) or twice (for undirected graphs).

4. Proof of Correctness

(1) Reachability

Node u is reachable from node S if there is a path from S to u.

Reachable nodes are discovered at some point, so they get a finite distance estimate from the source. Unreachable nodes are not discovered at any point, and the distance to them stays infinite.

(2) Order Lemma

By the time node u at distance d from S is dequeued, all the nodes at distance at most d have already been discovered (enqueued).

(3) Correct distances

When node u is discovered (enqueued), dist[u] is assigned exactly d(S, u).

(4) Queue property

At any moment, if the first node in the queue is at distance d from S, then all the nodes in the queue are either at distance d from S or at distance d+1 from S. All the nodes in the queue at distance d go before (if any) all the nodes at distance d+1.

5. Shortest-path tree

Shortest-path tree in indeed a tree, i.e. it doesn't contain cycles (it is a connected component by construction).

Constructing shortest-path tree

  for all u ∈ V:
    dist[u] ← ∞, prev[u] ← nil
  dist[S] ← 0
  Q ← {S} {queue containing just S}
  while Q is not empty:
    u ← Dequeue(Q)
    for all (u, v) ∈ E:
      if dist[v] = ∞:
        Enqueue(Q, v)
        dist[v] ← dist[u] + 1, prev[v] ← u

6. Reconstructing Shortest Path

ReconstructPath(S, u, prev)
  result ← empty
  while u ̸= S:
    u ← prev[u]
  return Reverse(result)
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