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Week 6 of Coursera's Algorithms on Graphs

Bidirectional Dijkstra

1. Bidirectional Search

1.1 Shortest Path

  • Input: A graph G with non-negative edge weights, a source vertex s and a target vertex t.
  • Output: The shortest path between s and t in G.

1.2 Why not just Dijkstra?

  • O((|E| + |V |)log |V |) is pretty fast, right?
  • For a graph of USA with 20M vertices and 50M edges it will work for several seconds on average
  • Millions of users of Google Maps want the result in a blink of an eye, all at the same time

1.3 Idea: Growing Circle


When a vertex u is selected via ExtractMin, dist[u] = d(s, u).

  • When a vertex is extracted from the priority queue for processing, all the vertices at smaller distances have already been processed
  • A “circle” of processed vertices grows

2. Six Handshakes

  • In 1929, Hungarian mathematician Frigyes Karinthy made a “Small World” conjecture
  • Can pass a message from any person toany person in at most 6 handshakes
  • This is close to truth according to experiments and is called a “six handshakes” or “six degrees of separation” idea


  • Dijkstra goes in “circles”
  • Bidirectional search idea can reduce the search space
  • Roughly 2x speedup for road networks
  • Meet-in-the-middle — N^(1/2) instead of N
  • 1000 times faster for social networks

3. Bidirectional Dijkstra

3.1 Dijkstra Reminder

  • To find the shortest path from s to t
  • Initialize dist[s] to 0, all other distances to ∞
  • ExtractMin — choose unprocessed u with the smallest dist[u]
  • Process u — Relax the edges outgoing from u
  • Repeat until t is processed

3.2 Reversed Graph


Reversed graph G^R for a graph G is the graph with the same set of vertices V and the set of reversed edges E^R, such that for any edge (u, v) ∈ E there is an edge (v, u) ∈ E^R and vice versa.

3.3 Bidirectional Dijkstra

  • Build G^R
  • Start Dijkstra from s in G and from t in G^R
  • Alternate between Dijkstra steps in G and in G^R
  • Stop when some vertex v is processed both in G and in G^R
  • Compute the shortest path between s and t

3.4 Computing Distance

Let v be the first vertex which is processed both in G and in G^R. Does it follow that there is a shortest path from s to t going through v?


Let dist[u] be the distance estimate in the forward Dijkstra from s in G and distR [u] — the same in the backward Dijkstra from t in G^R. After some node v is processed both in G and G^R, some shortest path from s to t passes through some node u which is processed either in G, in G^R, or both, and d(s,t) = dist[u] + dist^R[u].

3.5 Presudocode

  G^R ← ReverseGraph(G)
  Fill dist, dist^R with +∞ for each node
  dist[s] ← 0, dist^R[t] ← 0
  Fill prev, prev^R with None for each node
  proc ← empty, proc^R ← empty
    v ← ExtractMin(dist)
    Process(v, G, dist, prev, proc)
    if v in proc^R:
      return ShortestPath(s, dist, prev, proc,t, . . .)
    v^R ← ExtractMin(dist^R)
    repeat symmetrically for v^R as for v
  while True
Relax(u, v, dist, prev)
  if dist[v] > dist[u] + w(u, v):
    dist[v] ← dist[u] + w(u, v)
    prev[v] ← u
Process(u, G, dist, prev, proc)
  for (u, v) ∈ E(G):
    Relax(u, v, dist, prev)
ShortestPath(s, dist, prev, proc,t, dist^R, prev^R, proc^R)
  distance ← +∞, ubest ← None
  for u in proc + proc^R:
    if dist[u] + dist^R
      [u] < distance:
        u_best ← u
        distance ← dist[u] + dist^R[u]
  path ← empty
  last ← ubest
  while last ̸= s:
    last ← prev[last]
  path ← Reverse(path)
  last ← u_best
  while last ̸= t:
    last ← prev^R[last]
  return (distance, path)

3.6 Conclusion

  • Worst-case running time of Bidirectional Dijkstra is the same as for Dijkstra
  • Speedup in practice depends on the graph
  • Memory consumption is 2x to store G and G^R
  • You’ll see the speedup on social network graph in the Programming Assignment
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