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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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  • Save akuhn/11198319 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save akuhn/11198319 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This script extracts the structure of language grammars used for syntax highlighting in Sublime. You need to convert the grammar to a JSON file before running this script.
require 'rubygems'
require 'json'
# This script extracts the structure of Sublime language grammars ...
# Usage: ruby tmLanguage.rb PHP.JSON-tmLanguage
$root = JSON.parse(
$seen = []
$stack = []
$indent = 0
def echo(string)
puts ' ' * $indent + string
def unravel_each(name,patterns)
return unless patterns
echo name + ' ...'
$indent += 1
patterns = patterns.values if Hash === patterns
$indent -= 1
def unravel(json)
if $indent > 20
echo '(TOO DEEP)'
elsif Hash === json
if json['include']
key = json['include']
echo key + ' ...'
return echo ' (RECURSION)' if $stack.include? key
return echo ' (SEE ABOVE)' if $seen.include? key
$seen.push key
$stack.push key
$indent += 1
unravel $root['repository'][key.gsub('#','')]
$indent -= 1
echo json['name'] if json['name']
$indent += 1 if json['name']
unravel_each 'begin captures', json['beginCaptures']
unravel_each 'captures', json['captures']
unravel_each 'patterns', json['patterns']
unravel_each 'begin captures', json['endCaptures']
$indent -= 1 if json['name']
elsif Array === json
json.each{|each|unravel each}
elsif nil === json
# pass
p json
raise # unexpected value
unravel $root
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