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Created August 19, 2021 11:18
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' Functions
'' 表
'' @param string $name 表名
'' @param string $desc 详细描述
!unquoted function Table($name, $desc = "")
!return "class " + $name + ' as "' + $name + "\n" + "(" + $desc + ')" << (T, #FFAAAA) >>'
'' 主键
'' @param string $col 列名
!unquoted function PK($col = "id")
!return "<b>" + $col + "</b>"
'' 非空
'' @param string $col 列名
!function NN($col)
!return "<u>" + $col + "</u>"
'' 唯一
'' @param string $col 列名
!function UQ($col)
!return "<color:green>" + $col + "</color>"
'' 缺省值
'' @param string $val 缺省值
!function DV($val)
!return "<u>" + $val + "</u>"
'' 无符号数值,unsigned
'' @param string $type 类型
!function UN($type)
!return "U_" + $type
'' 注释
'' @param string $label 列标题
'' @param string $desc 详细描述
!function CM($label, $desc="")
!$val = "<color:green>" + $label
!if ($desc != "")
!$val = $val + "\n" + "<size:8><color:gray><i>“" + $desc + "”</i></color></size>"
!return $val
'' 列
'' @param string $name 列名
'' @param string $type 数据类型
'' @param boolean $notNull 是否非空 0:可空,1:非空,缺省为0
'' @param mixed $defVal 缺省值 无缺省值时传空字符串"",缺省值为空字符串时传单引号"''"
'' @param string $label 列标题
'' @param string $desc 详细描述
!function Column($name, $type, $notNull=0, $defVal="", $label="", $desc="")
!$val = ""
!if ($notNull == 1)
!$name = NN($name)
!$val = $name + " <color:royalBlue><size:8>" + %upper($type)
!if ($defVal != "")
!$val = $val + " " + DV($defVal)
!if ($label != "")
!$val = $val + " " + CM($label, $desc)
!return $val
' Constants
' created_at、updated_at、deleted_at三列
!global TIMESTAMPS = Column("created_at", "TIMESTAMP") + "\n" + Column("updated_at", "TIMESTAMP") + "\n" + Column("deleted_at", "TIMESTAMP")
' 主键类型
!global PK_TYPE = UN("BIGINT[20]")
' 主键列
!$tmp = PK()
!global PRIMARY_KEY = Column($tmp, PK_TYPE)
' 列注释中的换行符
!global CMBR="\n<size:8><color:gray><i>"
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