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Created September 24, 2020 12:38
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TSTAMP=$(date +"%d-%b-%Y-%H-%M-%S")
#Dump of Mysql Database into S3\
echo "$(tput setaf 2)creating backup of database start at $TSTAMP" >> "$LOG_ROOT"
mysqldump --user=root --databases faprod > ./backups/$DB_NAME-$TSTAMP.sql
echo "$(tput setaf 3)Finished backup of database and sending it in S3 Bucket at $TSTAMP" >> "$LOG_ROOT"
#Delete files older than 15 days
find ./backups/* -mtime +15 -exec rm {} \;
s3cmd put ./backups s3://name-of-space --recursive
echo "$(tput setaf 2)Moved the backup file from local to S3 bucket at $TSTAMP" >> "$LOG_ROOT"
echo "$(tput setaf 3)Coll!! Script have been executed successfully at $TSTAMP" >> "$LOG_ROOT"
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