Elegant and beautifully implemented Ember 2.x applications.
Each app and repo is a perfect example to poke around when learning Ember 2.x framework
Ember 2.x, Ember Data github repo (same repo for both frontend and backend)
- OAuth2
- JSONAPIAdapter
- Rails backend (JSONAPI resources)
Ember 2.x, Ember Data github repo
- ActiveModelAdapter
- JSONSerializer
- $.ajax
Ruby / Rails API github repo
- Active Model Serializers
Ember 2.x, Ember Data, ember-cli-mirage github repo
- simple interaction with API based on RESTAdapter/RESTSerializer
- RESTAdapter
- RESTSerializer
Ember 2.x Ember Data with custom api-store, complex data and setup github repo
Start with global overview of the framework - to learn patterns and common idioms
Continue with screencasts on particular topic of interest