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Created January 15, 2023 22:01
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// XCTestCase+Await.swift
// Useful functions to test with Combine
import Combine
import XCTest
enum TestAwaitError: Error {
case unexpectedResult
extension XCTestCase {
func values<T: Publisher>(_ publisher: T) async throws -> [T.Output] {
var result: [T.Output] = []
for try await value in publisher.values {
return result
func value<T: Publisher>(_ publisher: T) async throws -> T.Output? {
(try await values(publisher)).first
func error<T: Publisher>(_ publisher: T) async -> T.Failure where T.Failure == Error {
do {
_ = try await values(publisher)
} catch let error {
return error
return TestAwaitError.unexpectedResult
// For example, we want to test some Use Case with fake Repository that returns Combine AnyPublisher
//final class SearchDocumentUseCaseTests: XCTestCase {
// private var repository: FakeDocumentsRepository!
// private var useCase: SearchDocumentUseCase!
// override func setUp() async throws {
// repository = FakeDocumentsRepository()
// useCase = SearchDocumentUseCase(repository: repository)
// }
// func testExecute() async throws {
// // Arrange
// repository.readAnswer = Answer.success(.stub)
// // Act
// let result = try await value(useCase(with: "test"))
// // Assert
// XCTAssertEqual(result, .stub)
// }
// func testExecuteError() async {
// // Arrange
// repository.readAnswer =
// // Act
// let result = await error(useCase(with: "test"))
// // Assert
// XCTAssertEqual(result as? TestError, .someError)
// }
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