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Last active May 13, 2022 15:36
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Asus Q408UG Laptop Linux notes
- Keyboard doesn't work by default
- add "i8042.reset i8042.nomux" to KCL in grub on install and on first boot
- add above to
- GPU works with Prime...
- Install nVidia proprietary
- Try "sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall" - especially on Kubuntu which has a broken Software Manager proprietary drivers tab
- Set up Prime for ondemand
- When running a command that should use the GPU, prefix with:
- "Howdy" works for IR cam login
- Ubuntu: follow instructions on GH project to install from PPA :
- IR cam is /dev/video2, color cam is /dev/video0
- For KDE to see Howdy's PAM module in the lockscreen:
- sudo chmod -R 755 /lib/security/howdy
- sudo howdy config
- no_confirmation = true # needed for KDE / Kubuntu if it hangs during login or screen lock
- device_path = /dev/v4l/by-path/pci-0000:05:00.3-usb-0:3:1.2-video-index0
- max_height = 360 # (no reason to truncate to 320)
- dark_threshold = 75 # may need to play with "howdy test" to find best threshold
- capture_failed = false
- capture_successful = false
- Psensor (and other sensor setup)
- Tctl is the best sensor for platform temp
- Ditching Windows
- ASUS is using a standard Win10 install
- MyASUS tool (avail. from Asus) provides all vendor-specific services like charge control
- MyASUS is used to register for warranty, so it may be worth it to use Windows briefly to do that and update BIOS
- Firmwares:
- BIOS is the only fw provided by ASUS - no separate ME or other peripheral firmware
- BIOS can be flashed from BIOS setup - go to Advanced mode (F7), Advanced menu, ASUS EZ Flash 3 Utility
- Charge limiting - create this file then enable / start service to limit to 80%:
Description=Set the battery charge threshold
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'echo 80 > /sys/class/power_supply/BATT/charge_control_end_threshold'
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