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Created January 23, 2020 21:56
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Draft for ios startup configuration generator
package main
import (
type inter struct {
tech string
id string
lan bool
ip_address string
clock_rate string
type mask struct {
masque string
imask string
type address struct {
ip string
net mask
type router struct {
hostname string
interfaces []inter
func (r router) String() string {
s := "\n\n\n\n\n\n _____________________________________\n |" +
r.hostname + " |"+
"\n |_____________________________________|\n" +
"!\n!\nversion 12.4\n" +
"service timestamps debug datetime msec\n" +
"service timestamps log datetime msec\n" +
"no service password-encryption\n" +
"!\n" +
"!\n" +
"hostname " + r.hostname + "\n" +
"boot-start-marker\n" +
"boot-end-marker\n" +
"!\n" +
"!\n" +
"no aaa new-model\n" +
"memory-size iomem 5\n" +
"no ip icmp rate-limit unreachable\n" +
"ip cef\n" +
"!\n" +
"no ip domain lookup\n" +
"ip auth-proxy max-nodata-conns 3\n" +
"ip admission max-nodata-conns 3\n" +
"!\n" +
"ip tcp synwait-time 5\n" +
for _, i := range r.interfaces {
if == "Loopback" {
if i.ip_address != "" {
s += "!\n" +
"interface " + + + "\n" +
" ip address " + i.ip_address + "\n"
} else {
s += "!\n" +
"interface " + + + "\n"
if i.ip_address != "" {
s += " ip address " + i.ip_address + "\n"
} else {
s += " no ip address \n"
s += " shutdown \n"
if == "Serial" {
s += " clock rate " + i.clock_rate + "\n"
} else {
s += " duplex auto\n speed auto\n"
s += "!\n"
return s
const end string = "ip forward-protocol nd\n" +
"!\n" +
"!\n" +
"no ip http server\n" +
"no ip http secure-server\n" +
"!\n" +
"no cdp log mismatch duplex\n" +
"!\n" +
"!\n" +
"control-plane\n" +
"!\n" +
"!\n" +
"!\n" +
"!\n" +
"!\n" +
"line con 0\n" +
"exec-timeout 0 0\n" +
"privilege level 15\n" +
"logging synchronous\n" +
"line aux 0\n" +
"exec-timeout 0 0\n" +
"privilege level 15\n" +
"logging synchronous\n" +
"line vty 0 4\n" +
"login\n" +
"!\n" +
"!\n" +
var maskDict = map[int]mask{
1: {masque: "", imask: ""},
2: {masque: "", imask: ""},
3: {masque: "", imask: ""},
4: {masque: "", imask: ""},
5: {masque: "", imask: ""},
6: {masque: "", imask: ""},
7: {masque: "", imask: ""},
8: {masque: "", imask: ""},
9: {masque: "", imask: ""},
10: {masque: "", imask: ""},
11: {masque: "", imask: ""},
12: {masque: "", imask: ""},
13: {masque: "", imask: ""},
14: {masque: "", imask: ""},
15: {masque: "", imask: ""},
16: {masque: "", imask: ""},
17: {masque: "", imask: ""},
18: {masque: "", imask: ""},
19: {masque: "", imask: ""},
20: {masque: "", imask: ""},
21: {masque: "", imask: ""},
22: {masque: "", imask: ""},
23: {masque: "", imask: ""},
24: {masque: "", imask: ""},
25: {masque: "", imask: ""},
26: {masque: "", imask: ""},
27: {masque: "", imask: ""},
28: {masque: "", imask: ""},
29: {masque: "", imask: ""},
30: {masque: "", imask: ""},
31: {masque: "", imask: ""},
32: {masque: "", imask: ""},
func ask(q string, p string) string {
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
fmt.Print(q + "[" + p + "]" + "\n--> ")
text, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
re := regexp.MustCompile("[^\x20-\x7F]")
text = re.ReplaceAllLiteralString(text, "")
if text == "" {
text = p
return text
func newRouter3175(h string) router {
r := router{
hostname: h,
interfaces: []inter{{
tech: "Loopback",
id: "0",
}, {
tech: "FastEthernet",
id: "0/0",
}, {
tech: "Serial",
id: "0/0",
}, {
tech: "FastEthernet",
id: "0/1",
}, {
tech: "Serial",
id: "0/1",
return r
func cidr(s string) address {
r := strings.SplitN(s, "/", -1)
m, _ := strconv.Atoi(r[1])
return address{
ip: r[0],
net: maskDict[m],
//noinspection GoSnakeCaseUsage
func conf_t(f int) router {
r := newRouter3175(ask("Entrez le hostname", "R" + strconv.Itoa(f)))
for i, _ := range r.interfaces {
if r.interfaces[i].tech == "Serial" {
r.interfaces[i].clock_rate = "2000000"
if !("y" == ask("Voulez vous configurer "+r.interfaces[i].tech+r.interfaces[i].id+" ?", "n")) {
ip := cidr(ask("Entrez l'ip", fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d/32", f, f, f, f)))
r.interfaces[i].ip_address = ip.ip + " " +
r.interfaces[i].lan = "y" == ask("Interface LAN ? (utile pour routage)", "n")
return r
func main() {
fmt.Println("Bienvenue sur le générateur de configuration iOS")
var routers = map[string]router{}
n, _ := strconv.Atoi(ask("Combien de routeurs voulez-vous configurer ? ", "4"))
for i := 0; i < n; i ++ {
r := conf_t(i+1)
routers[r.hostname] = r
ask("\n\n\n\n" + r.hostname + " Has been configured, press any key to continue.", "")
for k, v := range routers{
ask("Press any key to reveal configuration of ", k)
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