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Last active June 10, 2020 09:31
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new annotation functions for genomation,
#' Annotate given ranges with genomic features
#' The function annotates a target GRangesList or GRanges object as overlapping
#' or not with
#' the elements of named GRangesList. This is useful to annotate your regions
#' of interest with genomic features with arbitrary categories such as repeat
#' classes or families, or output from genome segmentation alogorithms such
#' as chromHMM.
#' @param target GRanges or GRangesList object storing chromosome locations to be
#' annotated (e.g. chipseq peaks)
#' @param features a named GRangesList object containing GRanges objects different set
#' of features. The function calculates percent overlaps with and without
#' precendence at the same time. The order of objects in GRangesList
#' defines their precedence. If a range in \code{target} overlaps with
#' a more precedent range in an element of \code{features}, the other
#' overlaps from other less precedent elments will be discarded. This is
#' useful for getting piecharts where percentages should add up to 100.
#' @param strand if set to TRUE, annotation features and target features will
#' be overlapped based on strand (def:FALSE)
#' @param intersect.chr logical value, whether to select only chromosomes
#' that are common to feature and target. FALSE by default
#' @return returns an \code{AnnotationByFeature} object or if target is
#' a GRangesList, a list of \code{AnnotationByFeature} objects.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' @seealso
#' target=cage;
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname annotateWithFeatures-methods
function(target,features,strand=FALSE, intersect.chr=FALSE)
standardGeneric("annotateWithFeatures") )
#' @aliases annotateWithFeatures,GRanges,GRangesList-method
#' @rdname annotateWithFeatures-methods
signature(target = "GRanges", feature = "GRangesList"),
function(target, features, strand, intersect.chr){
message('intersecting chromosomes...')
chrs = intersect(unique(as.character(seqnames(target))),
if(length(chrs) == 0)
stop('target and feature do not have intersecting chromosomes')
target=target[seqnames(target) %in% chrs]
feature = lapply(feature, function(x)x[seqnames(x) %in% chrs])
# get overlap matrix
overlaps <- as.matrix(GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(target ,x,
ignore.strand= !strand ))
# get a datable from overlaps and the annotation category names
# order dt by order of feature gategories in features GRangesList
# get the number of target ranges overlapping with feature categories
# and the number of features with target ranges
hits=dt[, list(targetHits=length(unique(queryHits )),
featureHits=length(unique(subjectHits ))) ,by=annot]
# get the number of target ranges overlapping with feature categories
# and the number of features with target ranges
# with precendence
p.hits=dt[!duplicated(dt$queryHits), list(targetHits=length(unique(queryHits )),
featureHits=length(unique(subjectHits ))) ,by=annot]
# get a matrix of overlaps for targets
# this matrix shows overlap status for each element in target
fun.aggregate=function(x) ifelse(length(x)>0,1,0),
# order dmemb by order of feature categories in features GRangesList
# get an empty matrix of zeros, not all target ranges will be overlapping
# with an annotation
# fill in the matrix of 0s with values from the overlap matrix
# calculate number of overlaps etc before hand
# populate stats for features that didn't overlap with the target
no.of.OlapFeat[match( hits$annot,names(features))]=hits$featureHits
num.annotation[match( hits$annot,names(features))]=hits$targetHits
num.precedence[match( p.hits$annot,names(features))]=p.hits$targetHits
# output the object
members = memb,
annotation = 100*num.annotation/length(target),
precedence = 100*num.precedence/length(target),
num.annotation = num.annotation,
num.precedence = num.precedence,
no.of.OlapFeat = no.of.OlapFeat ,
perc.of.OlapFeat= 100*no.of.OlapFeat/sapply(features,length)
#' @aliases annotateWithFeatures,GRangesList,GRangesList-method
#' @rdname annotateWithFeatures-methods
signature(target = "GRangesList", features= "GRangesList"),
function(target, features, strand, intersect.chr){
l = list()
names(target) = 1:length(target)
for(i in 1:length(target)){
name = names(target)[i]
message(paste('Working on:',name))
x = target[[name]]
l[[name]] = annotateWithFeatures(x, features, strand, intersect.chr)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
#' Plots the percentage of overlapping ranges with genomic features in a heatmap
#' This function plots a heatmap for percentage of overlapping ranges
#' with provided genomic features. The input object is a list of
#' \code{AnnotationByFeature} objects, which contains necessary information
#' about overlap statistics to make the plot.
#' @param l a \code{list} of \code{AnnotationByFeature} objects
#' @param cluster TRUE/FALSE. If TRUE the heatmap is going to be clustered
#' using hierarchical clustering
#' @param col a vector of two colors that will be used for interpolation.
#' The first color is the lowest one, the second is the highest one
#' @param plot If FALSE, does not plot the heatmap just returns the matrix
#' used to make the heatmap
#' @return returns the matrix used to make the heatmap when plot FALSE,
#' otherwise returns ggplot2 object which can be modified further.
#' @examples
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' data(cage)
#' data(cpgi)
#' cage$tpm = NULL
#' gl = GRangesList(cage=cage, cpgi=cpgi)
#' bed.file = system.file("extdata/chr21.refseq.hg19.bed", package = "genomation")
#' = readTranscriptFeatures(bed.file)
#' annot = annotateWithFeatures(gl,, intersect.chr=TRUE)
#' \donttest{
#' heatmapTargetAnnotation(annot)
#' }
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname heatmapTargetAnnotation-methods
#' @docType methods
heatmapTargetAnnotation<-function(l, cluster=FALSE, col=c("white","blue"),
if(!all(unlist(lapply(l, class)) == "AnnotationByFeature"))
stop("All elements of the input list need to be AnnotationByFeature-class")
d = data.frame(, lapply(l, function(x)x@precedence)))
d = data.frame(, lapply(l, function(x)x@annotation)))
d = data.frame('SampleName'=rownames(d), d)
ind = 1:nrow(d)
if(cluster == TRUE){
h = hclust(dist(d[,-1]))
ind = h$order
m = reshape2::melt(d, id.vars='SampleName')
colnames(m)[2] = 'Position'
p = ggplot(m, aes(x=Position, y=SampleName, fill=value, colour="white")) +
scale_fill_gradient(low =col[1], high = col[2]) +
axis.title.x = element_text(colour='white'),
axis.text.x = element_text(colour='black', face='bold'),
axis.text.y = element_text(colour='black'),
axis.title.y = element_text(colour='white', face='bold')) +
p = p + geom_tile(color='white') +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
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