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Created August 12, 2019 16:39
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""A dmenu setxkbmap wrapper."""
import os
import subprocess
import re
import sys
dmenu_command = "dmenu"
setxkbmap_command = "setxkbmap"
def current_layout():
"""Gets the current layout (as LAYOUT[ VARIANT])."""
full_cmd = f"{setxkbmap_command} -query"
code, output = subprocess.getstatusoutput(full_cmd)
if code != 0:
raise Exception(f"'{full_cmd}' failed")
match_layout ="layout:\s+(\S+)", output)
if match_layout:
layout =
raise Exception(f"Cannot retrieve layout in '{full_cmd}' result")
match_variant ="variant:\s+(\S+)", output)
if match_variant:
variant =
return f'{layout} {variant}'
return layout
def input_layouts():
""" Retrieve script input layouts."""
if "LAYOUTS" in os.environ:
as_string = os.environ["LAYOUTS"]
raise Exception("LAYOUTS must be set. Try LAYOUTS=$'fr\\nfr bepo\\nus' {script}".format(script=sys.argv[0]))
return as_string.split('\n')
def swap_first_input_if_current(curr_layout, in_layouts):
""" Swap first and second layouts if first layout is the current one."""
layouts = list(in_layouts)
if len(layouts) > 1:
if layouts[0] == curr_layout:
layouts[0], layouts[1] = layouts[1], layouts[0]
return layouts
def dmenu_setxkbmap(force_space_keymap=True):
"""Script main function.
1. Generate a dmenu input
2. Call dmenu to ask user's choice
3. Call setxkbmap on selected choice
# Generate the desired list of X11 layouts
in_layouts = swap_first_input_if_current(current_layout(), input_layouts())
layouts_as_str = '\n'.join(in_layouts).encode('utf-8')
# Call dmenu on our lists of layouts
proc =[dmenu_command] + sys.argv[1:],
if proc.returncode == 0:
choice = proc.stdout.decode('utf-8').strip()
# Call setxkbmap on selected choice
returncode, _ = subprocess.getstatusoutput(f'{setxkbmap_command} {choice}')
success = (returncode == 0)
if success and force_space_keymap:
# Force keymap of the space keycode
code, _ = subprocess.getstatusoutput('xmodmap -e "keycode 65 = space space space space underscore underscore space space"')
success = (code == 0)
success = False
return success
if __name__ == "__main__":
if dmenu_setxkbmap():
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